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Alt 13. September 2008, 10:37   #1
Registriert seit: 30.09.2005
Beiträge: 20

MOD Releases: eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final Problem: eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final

eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final

based on eMule 0.49b
AnalyZZUL v2.1
Release Date: 24.11.2008


Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1] Light

CHANGED: Build without IRC, Notifier, TextToSpeech (undefined in stdafx.h)
Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]

ADDED: MTU - Settings[Maella] merged from Xtreme
CHANGED: changed SysInfo implementation because it Crashed under Vista[Stulle] merged from X-Ray
ADDED: forgotten codeparts of several features i missed during merging
ADDED: SearchColors[WiZaRd]
ADDED: Emulate others [WiZaRd/Spike/shadow2004/evcz] merged from MagicAngel
ADDED: Credits Reset Exploit Prevention[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
ADDED: Add next connect theft?[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
ADDED: Fakealyzer[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
CHANGED:  fixed Crash when moving files
CHANGED:  fixed ModVersion wasn't send
ADDED: Extra User Infos[MorphXT] merged from MagicAngel
CHANGED:  fix ClearMessageField[TuxMan] from Official Board
CHANGED:  fixed ClientDetailDialog Antileech Label
ADDED: show virtual sources [MORPH] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Recognize Horde op-codes[netfinity] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer [Stulle/Spike2/ideas by Wiz] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: multiSort [SLUGFILLER] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Init-Hashtable optimization [Xman] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: reqBlocksClipping[Slugfiller] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: hopefully fixed a crash reported by jerryBBB
ADDED: MemLeak Fixes [WiZaRd] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: better passive source finding[XMan] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Variable Compression[netfinity] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Custom Colors for XP Menues
ADDED: XP Menues [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ManualSourceRequest [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Parts of SourceRequestTweaks [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: NeoDownloadCommands [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ClientAnalyzer Score Collumn [pP] merged from R-Mod
ADDED: Fixed fairplay Display in QueueList and Uploadlist [evcz/gomez82] merged from MagicAngel
ADDED: Xtented Credit Table Arrangement[XMan] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Better Client Attaching[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: added check to prevent "bad" username usage (DLP.dll needed) [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: SLS [enkeyDEV/JvA] merged from ***********
ADDED: SafeHash [Slugfiller/SiRoB] merged from Xray
ADDED: Clipstat support [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Feedback support [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Compatible Client Statistics[Stulle/WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Mod Statistics[TPT] merged from ***********
ADDED: only kill source if no Requested File[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: LoopImprovements[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: CriticalPacketFix[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: Unknown Protocol Tags and Show in ClientDetails[Bluesonicboy/JvA/WiZaRd] merged from Xray
ADDED: Show Hardlimit for Files constantly[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Show Global Hardlimit[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Global Hardlimit customized for Files[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Global Hardlimit[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Smaller Connected Display in StatusBar[SiRoB] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: FairPlay[AndCycle] merged from Morph
CHANGED:  fix for StaticTrayIcon[morph4u]
ADDED: Reduced CPU usage[netfinity] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Sourcecache[XMan] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: better chunk selection[XMan] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Show (un-)loading status of IPFilter[Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
CHANGED:  Default Colors for PS/FS/Friend/Community[gomez82]
CHANGED:  Default Colors for Logs[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
CHANGED:  moved Options from PPgTweaks to PPgTweaks2
ADDED: IntelliFlush/LargerBuffer/BufferTime[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Separate Options Page for Display Options[gomez82]
CHANGED:  now u can choose if you want Color BG , Text or Both for PS/FS/Friend/Community[gomez82]
CHANGED:  fixed some Bugs found by some Testers
ADDED: Powershare Color to shared files[gomez82]
ADDED: fixed on queue sorting in Shared Files thx Eulero for Reporting[gomez82]
ADDED: auto drop immunity[Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Drop Sources[Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Sivka File Settings[Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: IP2Country and Updatepage[EastShare/WiZaRd/shadow2004] merged from ***********
ADDED: more logging if config dir is readonly (vista!)[MORPH] merged from Morph
ADDED: Catch oversized public key in credit.met file [SiRob] merged from Morph
ADDED: Anti Shape[netfinity] merged from netF WARP
ADDED: Relax At Startup[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Friends / Community On Queue Window[2BC/gomez82] merged from ZZULtimativ
ADDED: Restart if necessary[JvA/Xanatos/gomez82] from Official Board
ADDED: Fix from Official Board[WiZaRd/taz]
ADDED: lowered uploadtimer frequency to 10ms (was: 100ms) to improve upload/download performance - [WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Automatic Firewalled retries[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: some Code Optimations and Fixes[WiZaRd/XMan/Maella/Morph-Team] merged from ***********, Morph and Xtrem
ADDED: Manual Client Management[Xanatos/JvA] merged from Xray
ADDED: modified calling CheckforHighPrioClient() to save some CPU[CB/gomez82] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Options to choose Background-/Text- Color for RollUpCtrl[gomez82]
ADDED: RollUpCtrl, eMule Plus Style Transfer Window[eMulePlus/JvA] merged from Xray
ADDED: missing Prefs thx to LorenzoC for reporting[gomez82]
ADDED: save some CPU cycles with empty Queue[pP] merged from R-Mod
ADDED: BlockRatio[XMan] merged from Xray
ADDED: ClientAnalyzer-Log[Shadow2004] merged from ***********
ADDED: corrupted barshaderinfo[fafner] merged from Morph
ADDED: Show Downloading file in bold[SiRoB] merged from Morph
REMOVED: SysInfoGraph from StatisticsDlg because crash with Mod Stats 

For Private(Light) Version:
ADDED: Preprocessors to enable IRC/Notifiers/TextToSpeech[CiccioBastardo] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Preprocessor to enable official UPNP[MorphXT] merged from Morph

Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.0]

based on eMule 0.49b AnalyZZUL v2.1


CHANGED:  make the Colors in the Lists switch- and changeable[gomez82]
CHANGED:  Splash and Programm Icon[gomez82]
CHANGED:  exe Name to eMule.ZZUL+.exe[gomez82]
ADDED: Code Optimation[avi3k] merged from don't remember
ADDED: Toggle Friends [tuxman] merged from next AnalyZZUL
ADDED: Set Friendslot in all lists [tuxman] merged from next AnalyZZUL
ADDED: Bugfix from official Board by WiZaRd see Topic http://forum.emule-project.net/index...owtopic=139130 for Details
ADDED: some Fixes from molokoADDED: posted in Code snippets in official Board
REMOVED: ReAsk After Ip Change from Neo
ADDED: ReAsk After Ip Change v4[XMan] merged from MagicAngel

forgotten: in previous changelogs
ADDED: Don't kill source if it's the only one complet source, it's a friend[MORPH] merged from Morph
ADDED: find best sources[Xman] merged from Xtreme


ADDED: Dumpfile Enumeration[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Better Dumping[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: ServerAnalyzer[Spike2] merged from Acronic
ADDED: Show Nr. of Requested Blocks in Uploadlist[CB] merged from don't remember 
ADDED: Community Overlay Icon[MightyKnife] merged from Morph
ADDED: Draw date and time in Log with defaultcolor[Sirob] merged from Morph
ADDED: FineCS and some other changes arround Credits[CB] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Option to choose Creditsystem (None,Official,ClientAnalyzer)[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: CPU Calm Down[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Code Improvements in Clientcredits[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph/WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: doubleLucas[SLUGFILLER] merged from don't remember 
ADDED: Fix Possible Crash at Shutdown[Sirob/Xman] merged from Morph/Xtreme
ADDED: More Leecher-Types can be excluded from Powershare[gomez82]
ADDED: RatDVD added to Filetypes as VideoFile[gomez82]
ADDED: Show ZZ-Ratio activation[Morph-Team] merged from Morph
ADDED: No ZZ-Ratio for Http Traffic[Morph-Team] merged from Morph
CHANGED:  ZZ-Ratio to MorphXT-Style[Morph-Team] merged from Morph
CHANGED:  updated ASF to v2[Ackronic team/taz] merged from Acronic
CHANGED:  Improved minor code part (FillRect->FillSolidRect) because it's faster[JvA] merged from Xray
CHANGED:  When ServerAnalyzer is enabled Server Filter Button will Filter possible FakeServers[gomez82]
CHANGED: resourcemod.h added, all mod related stuff moved from resource.h 2 resourcemod.h [Addons/Ackronic] merged from Ackronic
CHANGED:  moved Options from one Optionspage to another
CHANGED:  moved some strings into String Table
CHANGED:  use strings from String Table in Optionspage
REMOVED:  some unused codeparts and strings


this is near Final no more features will be added for v1.0

ADDED: No Powershare for Nickthiefs & Modthiefs[gomez82]
ADDED: Statistics for Powershare[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: Statistics Graph for Powershare[Sirob] (and some other codes needed for graph) merged from Morph
ADDED: Code Optimations in Baseclient[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: improved bancheck[sivka] merged from sivka
ADDED: More GPLEvilDoers[WiZaRd] merged from ***********
ADDED: New Application Icon
ADDED: Inserted the double filter [Ackronic] merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: It is possible not to remove the serveur inactive inserting 0 in the inactive field ?you remove the serveur? in the serveur card merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: The commandos advances are qualified of default merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Eliminated the option ?it filters also the serveur? from the card Emergency; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Corrected bug on the filtering of the serveur list [fox88]; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Corrected bug on the key ?it filters the serveur now?: merged from eMule ASF
    now when the option ?leaks also the serveur? is not selected the key is not cliccabile; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: The red filter now is brought up to date to the OK pressure automatically or Applies; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Set up the number of attempts of logon to the serveur for default to 10; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Set up Verbose 3 of default; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: the red filter [Ackronic] merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Filter ASF [Ackronic]; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Increase dimension of the buffer to 20 MB; merged from eMule ASF
ADDED: Fix delete the server now[WiZaRd] merged from eMule ASF

Test Build 6

ADDED: Reask On ID Change[Xanatos] merged from Neo
CHANGED:  updated some Neo Features with code from v4.55
ADDED: Enhanced Client Recognization[Spike2\Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Better Speed Display[Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Neo Score System[Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Show Info About Mod Options in Prefs[Xanatos] merged from Neo
REMOVED: unused code from official Minimule
CHANGED:  readded eMule Version to Window title
ADDED: Extended Splashscreen[Xanatos] merged from Neo
ADDED: Hide Overshare[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Selective Chunk Sharing[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Share Only the Need[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Spreadbars[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Code Optimation: don't update to often[XMan] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: EnhancedII Prefpage merged from NeoMule

Test Build 5

CHANGED:  fixed Uploadslot Display in Minimule
CHANGED:  Updated some Files from Neo to newer Versions 

Test Build 4

CHANGED:  fixed NeoTreeStyle in Shared Files List
CHANGED:  fixed Static Tray Icon & PlusSpeedMeter
ADDED: CRCTag[Morph/Xanatos] merged from NeoMule

Test Build 3
ADDED: prevent crash when shutting down[Xman] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: LowID 2 HighID Auto Callback[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Plus Speed Meter[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Neo Mini Mule[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Invisible Mode[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Static Tray Icon[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: System Info[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Shared Parts[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ShareSingleFiles[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Share Files via Drag and Drop[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Share Sub Directories[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule

Test Build 2
ADDED: optimized Treecontrol [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: some fixes from Neo[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Push Files Sivka/NeoMule merged from MagicAngel

Test Build 1

ADDED: Community Visualisation[MightyKnife/mL] merged from ZZULtimativ
ADDED: Background Colors in the lists for Friends, Friendslot, Powershare, Community[gomez82/2BC] merged from ZZULtimativ
ADDED: Mod Options Page merged from R-Mod
ADDED: SearchCatch[slugfiller/Wizard] merged from ***********
ADDED: ExtentedUdpCatch [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: NeoSharedCategories [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: NeoTreeStyle [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule

if i forget somebody's Credits in changelog then i'm sorry for that
Download on Sourceforge
ich bin die Signatur -->

Geändert von Myth88 (26. November 2008 um 10:12 Uhr) Grund: Update...
gomez82 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. September 2008, 13:25   #2
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096

Cool, mal was ganz anderes...DANKE!


Immer noch alles im Share und über die Suche leicht zu finden. Tippe in die Suche z.B. eMule 50a
Diese Schreibform erzielt die besten Ergebnisse, sowohl im KAD, als auch bei Server.
Januar1956 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. September 2008, 17:14   #3
Registriert seit: 30.09.2005
Beiträge: 20

Standard: eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final Details

hier noch der Restliche Changelog:

+ No Powershare for Nickthiefs & Modthiefs
+ Statistics for Powershare[WiZaRd]
+ Statistics Graph for Powershare[Sirob] (and some other codes from Morph needed for graph)
+ Code Optimations in Baseclient[WiZaRd]
+ improved bancheck[sivka]
+ More GPLEvilDoers[WiZaRd]
+ New Application Icon

merged some Stuff from eMule ASF

- Inserted the double filter [Ackronic]
- It is possible not to remove the serveur inactive inserting 0 in the inactive field “you remove the serveur” in the serveur card
- The commandos advances are qualified of default
- Eliminated the option “it filters also the serveur” from the card Emergency;
- Corrected bug on the filtering of the serveur list [fox88];
- Corrected bug on the key “it filters the serveur now”:
now when the option “leaks also the serveur” is not selected the key is not cliccabile;
- The red filter now is brought up to date to the OK pressure automatically or Applies;
- Set up the number of attempts of logon to the serveur for default to 10;
- Set up Verbose 3 of default;
- Added the red filter [Ackronic]
- Filter ASF [Ackronic];
- Increase dimension of the buffer to 20 MB;
- Fix delete the server now[WiZaRd]

Test Build 6

+ Reask On ID Change[Xanatos]
* updated some Neo Features with code from v4.55
+ Enhanced Client Recognization[Spike2\Xanatos]
+ Better Speed Display[Xanatos]
+ Neo Score System[Xanatos]
+ Show Info About Mod Options in Prefs[Xanatos]
- unused code from official Minimule
* readded eMule Version to Window title
+ Extended Splashscreen[Xanatos]
+ Hide Overshare[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Selective Chunk Sharing[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Share Only the Need[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Spreadbars[Slugfiller/MorphXT/Stulle]
+ Code Optimation: don't update to often[XMan]
+ EnhancedII Prefpage from NeoMule

Test Build 5

* fixed Uploadslot Display in Minimule
* Updated some Files from Neo to newer Versions

Test Build 4

* fixed NeoTreeStyle in Shared Files List
* fixed Static Tray Icon & PlusSpeedMeter
+ CRCTag[Morph/Xanatos]

Test Build 3
+ prevent crash when shutting down[Xman]
+ LowID 2 HighID Auto Callback[Xanatos]
+ Plus Speed Meter[Xanatos]
+ Neo Mini Mule[Xanatos]
+ Invisible Mode[Xanatos]
+ Static Tray Icon[Xanatos]
+ System Info[Xanatos]
+ Shared Parts[Xanatos]
+ ShareSingleFiles[Xanatos]
+ Share Files via Drag and Drop[Xanatos]
+ Share Sub Directories[Xanatos]

Test Build 2
+ optimized Treecontrol [Xanatos]
+ some fixes from Neo[Xanatos]
+ Push Files Sivka/NeoMule merged from MagicAngel

Test Build 1

+ Community Visualisation[MightyKnife/mL]
+ Background Colors in the lists for Friends, Friendslot, Powershare, Community
+ Mod Options Page
+ SearchCatch[slugfiller/Wizard]
+ NeoSharedCategories* [Xanatos]
+ NeoTreeStyle [Xanatos]

if i forget somebody's Credits in changelog then i'm sorry for that

ich bin die Signatur -->
gomez82 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15. September 2008, 08:20   #4
Alter Board Hase
Registriert seit: 14.11.2005
Ort: RIAA-Gefängniszelle 9
Beiträge: 1.354

Standard: eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final Lösung: eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final

Für einen Moment dachte ich, da hätte Jemand den Plus Fork exhumiert und ihn mit ZZ verschmolzen
Pinguine sind süßer als Fenster, selbst wenn diese bunt sind!
Verlierer ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. September 2008, 18:55   #5
Registriert seit: 30.09.2005
Beiträge: 20

Standard: eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1 Final [gelöst]

Die Final ist nun draussen
ich bin die Signatur -->
gomez82 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28. September 2008, 11:15   #6
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
Beiträge: 3.156

...ich hab mal den Threadtitel up2date gemacht...
Bitte die BoardRules beachten!
Vor dem Posten bitte Checkliste vor dem Posten lesen und die Forensuche verwenden!

Myth88 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. November 2008, 10:13   #7
Benutzerbild von Myth88
Registriert seit: 12.12.2005
Beiträge: 3.156

Ich hab mal den Thread up2date gebracht...
Bitte die BoardRules beachten!
Vor dem Posten bitte Checkliste vor dem Posten lesen und die Forensuche verwenden!

Myth88 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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