Hi all from Italia,
my german knowledge is under zero, so i'll try with english
Well, years ago I founded a little eMule trick to improve the share speed that works in Xtreme mod only.
Now it has evolved, and I'd like to share with all of you.
In option menu -> connection, set theese parameters:
Download = 180
Upload = at least an half of your upload connection speed (but don't set it too high, you know

Download = 0
Upload = some as "capacities"
That's it... I'm not a P2P specialist, and I don't know why, but it works. Hope you all enjoy it, and hope it can helps to discover about much improvement on that your great mod.
I can assure more than 100KB/s on files with medium number of shares (yes, 5 of theese will be downloaded at 500KB/s in total).
Unfortunately, in that days, many zones of Italia and maybe in Europe too, have connection troubles with "eDonkeyServer No2"... Well, if someone you have that problem, hold down that trick for the future!
See you!