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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 15. July 2003, 07:37   #1
Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624
Standard: eMule 0.29c [Roman2K v0.44] [17.07.2003] Problem: eMule 0.29c [Roman2K v0.44] [17.07.2003]

Updated to

eMule 0.29c [Roman2K v0.44] [17.07.2003]

Zitat von Roman2k on emule-project.net
It's based on eMule v0.29c, I continue it when I have free time.
The GUI is horrible, I didn't take care about it and it's really ugly for the moment.

  • Auto-Updating of IPFilter.dat [Morph]
  • SUC v2 (perfectly working) [Lovelace]
  • Mod-Version tag 0x55 version II [Maella]
  • Graph Zoom [Maella]
  • SUC speed is shown in the transfer window
  • RSA-CIDE as option in Security prefs [EnkeyDEV]
  • Release Bar [EnkeyDEV]
  • iSpread [EnkeyDEV]
  • Sivka 9b2 drop features
  • Multiple instances option [Sivka]
  • Disable sources eXchanging [Maella]
  • Defeat 0-filled-parts senders [Maella]
  • Reconnect on Low-ID [Tarod]
  • L2HAC [EnkeyDEV]
  • A complete-sources approximate number column v0.06 [Zegzav]

  • Black graphs color is correctly saved
  • Always upload full chunks (due to iSpread, ZZUL ...)
  • Some code-fix [Maella/Sivka]
  • Merged entire ZZUL v20030712-0205 mod
  • Moved "suspicious block" messages to DebugLog [Athlazan]
  • Fixed Download Stops Prematurely (v24/05/2003) [Jicxicmic/Maella]

Other informations (for the current version only)
  • Some modifs/fix in prefs

To be in future versions
  • Add beautiful tray-dialog [Plus]
  • Change "Fixed Download Stops Prematurely (v24/05/2003)"
  • Modify GUI while it's not looking perfect (!)
  • Modify some icons
  • Merge some SF-VQB stuff (safeDisconnect in priority)
  • Merge last stats from Khaos and the category mod
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__________________________________________________ __________

eMule 0.29c [Roman2K v0.42] [16.07.2003]

Zitat von Roman2k on emule-project.net
It's based on eMule v0.29c, I made it rapidly and continue it when I have time.
The GUI is horrible, I didn't take care about it and it's really ugly for the moment.

  • RSA-CIDE [EnkeyDEV]
  • Release Bar [EnkeyDEV]
  • iSpread [EnkeyDEV]
  • Sivka 9b2 drop features
  • Multiple instances option [Sivka]
  • Disable sources eXchanging [Maella]
  • Defeat 0-filled-parts senders [Maella]
  • Reconnect on Low-ID [Tarod]
  • SUC v2 [Lovelace]
  • L2HAC [EnkeyDEV]
  • Mod-Version tag 0x55 [Maella]
  • A complete-sources approximate number column v0.06 [Zegzav]

  • Always upload full chunks (due to iSpread, ZZUL ...)
  • Some code-fix [Maella/Sivka]
  • Merged entire ZZUL v20030712-0205 mod
  • Moved "suspicious block" messages to DebugLog [Athlazan]
  • Fixed Download Stops Prematurely (v24/05/2003) [Jicxicmic/Maella]

Other informations (for the current version only)
  • Removed old A4AF-handling of Sivka mod (will be replaced by Khaos stuff)

To be in future versions
  • Add Graph Zoom [Maella]
  • Add beautiful tray-dialog [Plus]
  • Merge entire Khaos 15 mod (waiting for it to be released)
  • Correctly save black graphs color
  • Change "Fixed Download Stops Prematurely (v24/05/2003)"
  • Modify GUI while it's not looking perfect (!)
  • Modify some icons
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__________________________________________________ __________

eMule v0.29c [Roman2K v0.4 - Alpha]

It's based on eMule v0.29c, I made it rapidly and will continue tomorrow evening. The GUI is horrible, I didn't take care about it and it's really ugly for the moment.

- Sivka 9b2 drop features
- Multiple instances option [Sivka]
- Disable sources eXchanging [Maella]
- Defeat 0-filled-parts senders [Maella]
- Reconnect on Low-ID [Tarod]
- SUC v2 [Lovelace]
- L2HAC [EnkeyDEV]
- Mod-Version tag 0x55 [Maella]
- A complete-sources approximate number column v0.06 [Zegzav]

- Some code-fix [Maella/Sivka]
- Merged entire ZZUL v20030712-0205 mod
- Moved "suspicious block" messages to DebugLog [Athlazan]
- Fixed Download Stops Prematurely (v24/05/2003) [Jicxicmic/Maella]

In the next version
- Added Release Bar [EnkeyDEV]
- Added iSpread [EnkeyDEV]
- Merged entire Khaos 14 mod
- Black graphs color correctly saved
- Change "Fixed Download Stops Prematurely (v24/05/2003)"
- Graph Zoom [Maella]
- Beautiful tray-dialog [Plus]
- Modify GUI while it's not perfect...
- Better icons

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Alt 16. July 2003, 17:31   #2
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

new version:eMule v0.29c [Roman2K v0.42]


fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 10. November 2003 (27)
  2. eMule 0.29c MorphNext 1c [17.08.2003]
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  3. Update: eMule 0.29c - eF-MOD 0.5b [30.07.2003]
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  12. eMule 0.29c [bloodymad 0.4.1] [22.07.2003]
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