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Alt 27. September 2003, 00:46   #1
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 24.09.2003
Beiträge: 41
Standard: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004] Problem: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004]

Zitat von Furio
based on eMule 0.30e

[FEATURE] Bitorrent file suport [Chanblard]
[FEATURE] F1 help on demand [Chanblard]
[FEATURE] autolaunch Bitorrent files[Chanblard]

[BUGFIX] p2pcache memory exception [Chanblard]


Zitat von Furio
based on eMule 0.30e

= to sivka 10e8

= Delete files from sharedfile [Chanblard]

= p2pcache security [Chanblard]
= crash problems [Chanblard]


************************************************** ********************************
based on eMule 0.30e

= AutoShutDown (plugin) [Chanblard]
= File Feedback [Chanblard]
= File start priority [Chanblard]
= add friend from message [Chanblard]

= p2pcache security [Chanblard]

Zitat von Furio
update auf 0.30e eChanblard v 3.5

based on eMule 0.30e
= Decompression crashs
= Advanced Plugins Supports[Chanblard] from v 3.4

Zitat von renegade
update auf 0.30b eChanblard v 3.3

= Plugins Supports[Chanblard]
= Possibility Of CacheBandwith Customisable [Chanblard]

Zitat von Furio
update auf 0.30b eChanblard v 3.2

= share to community button problem
= Advenced Leecher Test with QR testing [Chanblard]
= AutoUpdate of leechers mods list [Chanblard]
= Updated Leechers mods list [Chanblard]
= AMUC Gamerv2 [Chanblard]
= P2PCache Technology [Chanblard]
= Update to eMule 0.30b (sivka v10b5)

eChanblard v3.1



based on eMule 0.30a (sivka v10a version and compiled with VS2003)

= AMUC problems
= Anti Community Steal names errors

= GAMER version of Upload Control for a really good ping while playing internet game[eChanblard]
= Smart Upload Control [lovelace]

= Advanced Anti Community Steal

= Error while press enter in browser

= Update to eMule 0.30a (sivka v10a)

= ReleaseBar & Intelligent Spreading [Morph]

= IRC crash and eMulewatcher launcher

= Update to eMule 0.29c (sivka v9b2b)

= AntiCrash Protection
= Your NickName have been called in irc notification

= Community sharedfile view
= Automatic fakeCheck [milobac]
= Automatic IPFilter update [milobac]

= Credits lost in update
= AntiCommunauty

= automatic Source saver
= French translation

= preferences page errors

= Internet browser

= bugfix Potential SPOOF bug [by moosetea]
= bugfix Webservices Menuseparator, searches for -,- and adds separator menu [by rasmoe/SLUGFILLER]
= bugfix hashlistRecheck - always check hashlist{01.04.03} [by SLUGFILLER]
= bugfix hashlistRecheck - read all data before error-checking{01.04.03} [by SLUGFILLER]
= bugfix No ask for inexistent hashlist(final solution) {01.04.03} [by SLUGFILLER]
= bugfix hashlistRecheck - can't complete without a hashset...{01.04.03} [by SLUGFILLER]
= bugfix Code Fix [by Maella]
= bugfix Memory Leak In Preference [by Maella]
= bugfix Extended clean-up [by Maella]
= bugfix Localize(), dosen't change lang strings [by LSD]
= bugfix Downloading source list - security [by Maella]
= bugfix Overwrite Already Downloaded Parts And Chunk [by emarc]
= bugfix start automaticly sorting on emule load [by sivka]

= improved New Icons [by Girard747]
= improved Code Improvements [by Ichi]
= improved Couple of Code Improvements [by Maella]
= improved download Stops Prematurely {24.05.03} [by jicxicmic/Maella]
= improved disable HideSources-funktion, not really needed [by sivka]
= improved RemoveSource() modified and improved [by sivka]
= improved don't interrupt upload if waiting queue empty or friend-slot [by P.O.W./sivka]

= features FakeCheck [by InterCeptor]
= features update friends list on add [by InterCeptor]
= features Defeat 0-filled Part Senders (Idea of xrmb){18.03.03}[by Maella]
= features Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 [by Maella]
= features Save/Load Sources handling [by enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
= features enkeyDEV(Ottavio84): -Reask for file, if finished download [by enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
= features Refresh the Client [by FusioN Team]
= features AntiFake - Bann users, that trying to fake there port [by Vorlost/sivka]
= features allow multiple instances of eMule [by khaos/sivka]
= features Anti-/Community Array [by Hunter/sivka]
= features auto reconnect on LowID [by Tarod/sivka]
= features Auto-/ Hard Limit per File [by sivka]
= features NNS, FullQRS and HighQRS extended handling [by sivka]
= features Queuesize selectable 1000...10000 [by sivka]
= features UpLoadSlots selectable 2...100 [by sivka]
= features Valid Sources, Friends and Community User can allways entry the waiting queue [by sivka]
= features two way A4AF-handling version 1.0 [by sivka]
= features A4AF: listing all requested files from user [by sivka]
= features A4AF: counter for A4AF in sources column [by sivka]
= features A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname [by sivka]
= features show A4AF-filenames in status column [by sivka]

= Show Emticons problems in user chat

= Emoticons

= Performance increased

= AntiCreditTheft ( Automatiquely Credits stealer ) [LSD]
= AMUC (Automatique Maximum Upload Control) [Herbert]

= Win2000 server problems

= LOG BANNED Clients
= UpDate Leechers MOD list

= Avi-preview Launch error

= Anti-Spam
= Anti-Leecher for a better network
= Version Check
= Video Preview availlable for all type of extension (divx , xvid , MPEG...)
= can change server every x minutes for finding more sources (REMOVED)
= add better upload speed management in queue ranking
= auto hub list URL finding
= less cpu usage

= fixed many crashs

= add the implementation of 'CBarShader::SetWidth' for 2Gb+ Files [bluecow]
= replace the implementation of 'CBarShader::SetFileSize' for 2Gb+ Files [bluecow]
= BarShader for 2Gb+ Files [Sony666]
= 0.28b LowID Problem [bluecow]
= Random Crash When Dblclicking, on Client in Download List Queue [zegzav]
= A Few Small Fixes [SlugFiller]
= Downloading source list (->security) [Maella]
= Potential SPOOF bug [moosetea]
if a client is confirmed HIGH ID (ie ip visible from anywhere)
and there userid doesnt match you try to fix the userid
= Extended clean-up [Maella]
= Localize(), dosen't change lang strings [LSD]{19.03.03}
= queuerating sort order fix [jicxicmic]
= HasValidHash() Code Fix [Maella]
= Multiple Hashing Of Same File At Reload, categories with same incomingdir [zegzav]{07.04.03}
= SetModified() on IDC_LOG2DISK and IDC_DEBUG2DISK [Frizz]
= HashListReCheck - always check hashlist [SLUGFILLER]{01.04.03}
= HashListReCheck - read all data before error-checking [SLUGFILLER]{01.04.03}
= HashListReCheck - don't share unchecked parts [SLUGFILLER]{01.04.03}
= HashListReCheck - can't complete without a hashset... [SLUGFILLER]{01.04.03}
= transfered - column (statistic-bug in dl-window)

= Reask for file [(enkeyDEV(Ottavio84))]
= Code Improvements [Maella]
= Code Improvement [Ichi]
= Code Improvement [InterCeptor]
= disable not really needed function
(like hide visible sources, on stop-file, on cancel-file, on complete-file,...)
= original emule LOWIDTOLOWID was tuned (now lower CPU load)
= QueueSize 1000...10000
= AcceptNewClient() [eklmn]

= don't interrupt upload if waiting queue empty or friend-slot [P.O.W./sivka]
= Webservices Menuseparator, searches for -,- and adds separator menu [rasmoe/SLUGFILLER]
= new upload priorities and tweaked credit system - report you experience !!!
= Valid Sources, Friends and Community User can allways entry the waiting queue
= possiblity to see requested downloading and uploading files from remote client
= now paused files use the "swap a4af to an other file" finction
= Disable Sources eXchange [Tarod]
= Keep Ip-filtered Clients Out Of Queues [Harvey56]
= multiple_instances[khaos]
= fakecheck Donkey-Fakes.de.vu + Jigle.com [Interceptor]
= Overwrite Already Downloaded Parts And Chunk [emarc]
= Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 [Maella]
= Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- [(Idea of xrmb) / Maella]{18.03.03}
= AntiCrash/AntiFake handling [Vorlost/sivka]
rename the client with non-standard name to "!!!CrashName!!!"
banning for fake port and tring crash eMule,
you can see massages only in verbose modus.
(the cheater will never see the waitqueue from inside
= Reconnect on LowID [Tarod/sivka]
= sends sources with LowID that are in same sever that client is requesting sources [Tarod]
= do not send incomplete established conns. to avoid sending no valid sources [Tarod]
= AutoPriority based on Valid Sources: HIGH = 0...40, NORMAL = 41...160, LOW = 161...1000
= extended handling for NNS, FQS and HighQRS sources
= "swap a4af to any other file" (I had implemented it for testing the routine, if it not usefull I will remove it)
= spanish tradiction [ikabot]
= new (two way) A4AF handling made by sivka [based on ideas from Tarod/enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
= now you can set you favorite min and max upload slots (2...100)
= download Stops Prematurely, if send full chuncks is enabled [jicxicmic/Maella]{11.03.03}
= A4AF-counter ahead of user nick
= client refresh [Fusion Team]
= now you can modify MIN and MAX upload slots 2...100
= update friends list on add [InterCeptor]

Anti-/Community Array [Hunter/sivka]
now you can push multiple Communities,
allowed max 255 characters,
you can separate Communities with "|",
Communities Credits are pushed by 2x and Anti-Communities Crediets reduce by 2x,
AntiCommunity user don't get reward of Credits.

Save/Load sources [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84) -New SLS-]
Save/Load works only on HIGH priority
Save only Valid Sources, max. 35 VS

on hard limit column you can see Valid Sources/Hard Limit
variable Hard Limit with auto-function (50...1000, in-/decrease depend on priority of DL-file),
updating of Hard Limit is depended on Timer value,
Hard Limit per file will be initiate with value from usual used Hard Limit in preferences
Valid Sources = 10...20, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 50...125, growth about 25%
Valid Sources = 21...30, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 84...144, growth about 20%
Valid Sources = 31...40, AutoPR => AutoHL = 103...154, growth about 15%
Valid Sources = 31...260, ManualPR => AutoHL = 103...1000, growth about 15%
Otherwise AutoHL decrease about 1% every TimerValue to 50.
Valid Sources = 17...55, ManualPR => AutoHL = 50...172, growth about 10%
Valid Sources = 41...55, AutoPR => AutoHL = 118...172, growth about 10%
Valid Sources = 56...75, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 140...203, growth about 9%
Valid Sources = 76...100, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 169...239, growth about 8%
Valid Sources = 101...130, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 202...278, growth about 7%
Valid Sources = 131...160, AutoPR => AutoHL = 238...307, growth about 6%
Valid Sources = 131...519, ManualPR => AutoHL = 238...1000, growth about 6%
Otherwise AutoHL decrease about 1% every TimerValue to 50.
Valid Sources = 30...195, ManualPR => AutoHL = 50...341, growth about 5%
Valid Sources = 161...195, AutoPR => AutoHL = 268...341, growth about 5%
Valid Sources = 196...235, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 301...375, growth about 4%
Valid Sources = 236...280, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 337...412, growth about 3%
Valid Sources = 281...330, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 374...448, growth about 2%
Valid Sources = 331...792, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 413...1000, growth about 1%
Otherwise AutoHL decrease about 1% every TimerValue to 50.

Separat Timers for AutoHL, AutoNNS, AutoFQS and AutoHQRS (0...60 sec)

Auto-Drop Not Needed Sources only from DL Queue,
you can set for X% = 50%...100%,
Auto-Drop if NNS > X%,
only one NNS every Timer unit, Timer = 0 drop all immediately,
Auto-Drop and Manual-Drop NNS, tring to swap to another file,
CleanUp and Manual-Drop NNS have not restrictions (clean all NNS),
CleanUp and Manual-Drop NNS with enableble BeepTon. (acoustic signal on droping NNS).

Auto-Drop Full Queue Sources only from DL Queue,
you can set for X% = 50%...100%,
Auto-Drop if FQS > X%,
only one FQS every Timer unit, Timer = 0 drop all immediately,
Auto-Drop and Manual-Drop FQS, tring to swap to another file,
CleanUp and Manual-Drop FQS have not restrictions (clean all FQS),
CleanUp and Manual-Drop FQS with enableble BeepTon. (acoustic signal on droping FQS).

Maximum allowed Remote Queue Rating <= X,
you can set value 5...5000.

Auto-Drop High Queue Rating Sources only from DL Queue,
you can set for X% = 50%...100%,
Auto-Drop if HQRS > X% and first highest Queue Rating Source,
only one HQRS every Timer unit, Timer = 0 drop all immediately,
Auto-Drop and Manual-Drop HQRS, tring to swap to another file,
CleanUp and Manual-Drop HQRS have not restrictions (clean all HQRS),
CleanUp and Manual-Drop HQRS with enableble BeepTon. (acoustic signal on droping HQRS).

Timer: values in seconds. Timer = 30sec, that mean checking MAX-limits are happen every 30sec,
Valid Sources => waiting src + downloading src - full queue src - high queue rating src


Viel Spass.....in nem franz. Forum gefunden...

Ich bin Pazifist und wer was anderes behauptet bekommt eins aufs Maul.
Fatalio ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. September 2003, 00:50   #2
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 24.09.2003
Beiträge: 41

Ganz interessant...man kann auswählen, dass er den eMule Watcher gleich mitlädt...also Anti Crash...und Automatic Upload Control wie beim Gamma-Oh...

Aussehen wie bei der Original eMule...Sivka Settings...und die besagten Zusatzsettings...

ma guggn....


Ich bin Pazifist und wer was anderes behauptet bekommt eins aufs Maul.
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Alt 27. September 2003, 01:16   #3
Junior Member
Benutzerbild von John Kimble
Registriert seit: 17.04.2003
Beiträge: 70
Standard: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004] 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004] Details

hab ihn 24 stunden laufen gehabt, max conn´s immersehr hoch im vergleich zu anderen mods. der download kam auch nicht so in die gaenge, genausowenig wie der upload.
im antileecher log war erstaunlicherweise unter den ganze pharaos, misons und gamers auch der lamerschoice 9 irgendwas c zu finden.
das interessante feature "GAMER version of Upload Control" funzt auch lange nicht so gut wie ein mulie mit wenigen connections, zumindest bei mir.

find zwar so aggressive anti leecher klasse aber wenn die anderen sachen so hinten dran sind is das nich so doll..

athlon 2000xp; asrok k7vt2; 512 mb infinion DDR ram; windows XP pro; d-link 604 router
John Kimble ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. September 2003, 01:25   #4
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 24.09.2003
Beiträge: 41
Standard: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004] Lösung: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004]

hatte die Version 6 Stunden laufen...meist so 40 - 45 k....also ganz ok...nunja....

Ich find se gut.

Ich geh jetz pennen...n8

Ich bin Pazifist und wer was anderes behauptet bekommt eins aufs Maul.
Fatalio ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. September 2003, 10:00   #5
Registriert seit: 07.03.2003
Beiträge: 452
Standard: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004] 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004] [gelöst]

based on eMule 0.30a (sivka v10a version and compiled with VS2003)
Ich glaube dieser Mod gehört dann ehr in denn Sivka bereich als hier her
hackersondope2002 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26. October 2003, 14:31   #6
Senior Member
Benutzerbild von Furio
Registriert seit: 28.09.2003
Beiträge: 388

update auf 0.30b eChanblard v 3.2
Furio ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. November 2003, 08:07   #7
Unregistrierter Gast
Registriert seit: 29.11.2002
Beiträge: 3.624

version 3.3 ist erschienen
= Plugins Supports[Chanblard]
= Possibility Of CacheBandwith Customisable [Chanblard]
binary und sources auf meiner seite
Anonymous ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. November 2003, 16:01   #8
Registriert seit: 20.11.2003
Beiträge: 4

Hab den Mod auch mal gestartet , quellen findung wie immer top bei allen Sivka mods .. habe grade mal 5 min laufen und gleich'n download von über 30 kb
upload ist auch stabiel schöne grade line Good Job

Kann mir jemand noch was genaueres über den Emule Watcher sagen für was der so gut is der ja gleich mit gestartet wird mit emule und lieber an oder auslassen ? ?
Ich Rule mit einem P4 2.41 mhz , 768 DDRam , 200 gb HDD und einer DSL 1500/192 Leitung durchs netz.
IceOnLy ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. November 2003, 16:14   #9
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

IceOnLy, der überwacht emule und sollte dieses mal abstürzen, wird es neu gestartet!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 27. November 2003, 16:22   #10
Registriert seit: 20.11.2003
Beiträge: 4

Gute sache das Tool , aber wollnma nich hoffen das es zum einsatz kommt
Ich Rule mit einem P4 2.41 mhz , 768 DDRam , 200 gb HDD und einer DSL 1500/192 Leitung durchs netz.
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Alt 27. November 2003, 16:38   #11
Registriert seit: 20.11.2003
Beiträge: 4

argh wenn man vom teufel spricht ... kahm ebend fehlermeldung Visuell C++ Runtime Error und aus war emule ... hat aber neu gestartet durch den watcher
aber mit solchen mods kann ich erlich gesagt nich viel anfang wenn sie andauernt abstürzen .. schade eigentlich .. hat so gut angefang
Ich Rule mit einem P4 2.41 mhz , 768 DDRam , 200 gb HDD und einer DSL 1500/192 Leitung durchs netz.
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Alt 27. November 2003, 17:17   #12
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096


Na also, dieser Teil funzt ja schon mal gut.

Immer noch alles im Share und über die Suche leicht zu finden. Tippe in die Suche z.B. eMule 50a
Diese Schreibform erzielt die besten Ergebnisse, sowohl im KAD, als auch bei Server.
Januar1956 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 22. December 2003, 23:32   #13
Registriert seit: 27.10.2003
Beiträge: 22

habe mir die version eMule Version 0.30e eChanblardv3.5 drauf gemacht und wollte wissen ob dieser mod auch diese hash klauer schutz hat?!

ich glaube der hat diesen leecher schutz ist das das selbe
Mindcrimer ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 22. December 2003, 23:57   #14
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096


Wo hast Du denn die von Dir genannte Version her ?
Ich kann keine 0.30e finden.

Immer noch alles im Share und über die Suche leicht zu finden. Tippe in die Suche z.B. eMule 50a
Diese Schreibform erzielt die besten Ergebnisse, sowohl im KAD, als auch bei Server.
Januar1956 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 23. December 2003, 00:01   #15
Registriert seit: 27.10.2003
Beiträge: 22
Standard: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004] Re: 0.30b eChanblard v 3.3 [26.11.2003]

Zitat von renegade
und hier
Mindcrimer ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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Ähnliche Themen: 0.30e eChanblard v 3.8 [16.02.2004]

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