eMule0.30e NotDead v2c
mas: based on Pawcio MOD Links: ? Binary (ed2k) ? Binary AMD (Athlon/Duron) (ed2k) ? Binary SSE2 (P4/Celeron with SSE2) (ed2k) ? Sources (ed2k) Features: ? IRC Stats - now you can send a string with some information about your eMule by right-clicking in a channel or query window in Irc. You can set the format of the statistics in Preferences->Irc Dialog. (an help dialog is provided)
? Colors for own queue rank - in download list now you see some QR in green or red color, due to gained or lost positions in other users' queue. (from SF-IOM)
? New StartNextFile by Ded - now when a download is completed emule choose the file to start (if the option is enabled in the Preferences->Files dialog), in this order
1) Same category (if enabled)
2) File priority
3) Difference of the filename with the filename of the completed file (MAX 3 differences, more differences are ignored this make emule understand that the file is not correlated to the completed one)
4) Number of common characters at the beginning of the filenames
5) Alphabetical order
This is very useful for series but also for downloads whose number of CDs >1. So when the first CD is finished you are sure that the second cd of the same download will start after the first, and so on..
? Ratings average - in Download list now you see files rated by other users with five different icons based on the average of the ratings received by files (Ded)
? Closed Categories - now you can tell emule to start a download when another one is completed only from the same category - Ded (option in Preferences->Files)
? PNR Part Name Recovery - This features generates and keeps updated an external file (located in \config\PNRecovery.dat) where it stores the list of all your current emule downloads with their ed2k links and .part file number. It's very useful when after an emule or a system crash you lose all your partial downloads. (ColdShine[enkeyDev])
? Never seen complete files are marked in red - This features warn you to check of the red-marked file is fully available on the eMule network or there are chunks that nobody has. (you can enable or disable this feat in Display options) (idea from Athlazan - code by Ded)
? Paused files are marked in light gray - (enable/disable in Display options) (idea from Athlazan - code by Ded)
? Wap Interface - This is the webserver in WAP protocol. Very useful if you cannot use MobileMule. (Monki[emulespana])
? Away State - You can now set your state to away and give an automatic reply to instant messages. (configuration in Security section) (kei-kun[enkeyDev])
? EDT (Estimate Download Time) from enkeyDev! (option in Extended Settings - for slow CPU <600MHz it's recommended to turn off) This works only between EDT compatible versions. It lets you known how much it will take to download from a specific source and is updated every reask (as the QR). The requester can see the EDT in "Remaining" column. The provider can see EDT for enqueued clients in their details window (N.S. means EDT "Not Supported" by that client). To have a reliable statistic, EDT performs no estimation until about 30 clients start download (and that can take very much). Anyway this is VERY experimental. Do not take EDT for an oracle, if the provider changes a file priority or shares another file or a million other things, your EDT changes consequently!
? IP-Filter (Auto)Update - In the security dialog now you can download the ipfilter.dat file directly from the web, and also you can make emule download it every time it starts. (configuration in Security section)
? New menu commands - By Right-clicking onto a file in the Shared Files list now you can open the folder of that file, or phisically delete it. (THBv5)
? Save/Load Source [minutes based] - Saving and loading of the best sources (max 20). Reload time, resave time and expiration are recalculated to make the client less aggressive. (configuration of parameters in Extended Settings->SLS Sources) (originally by Ottavio84[enkeyDev]-modified by Ded)
? Anti-Leecher and Anti-Credits-Thefs feature from Morph Next mod (Can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")
? Pushing of small and/or rare files - With this option activated files smaller than a chunk (9.25MB) or rare files get a modifier in upload queue. (dis/enable this going to Extended Settings->Push SF/RF) (Tarod-LSD)
? Release Window - You can now download and view rss feed, such as news or releases, directly in eMule. (TBH)
? Antivirus Check - With this option enabled eMule will scan for viruses all the just completed files. (configuration in "Extended Settings" in Preferences) (TBH)
? Back-up of important files - (TBH)
? Tray menu - with fast access to Upload Speed Sense (USS) options. (tag Pawcio: TrayMenu) (from eMule Plus mod)
? Safe Hash - full implementation from SF-IOM mod
? Merge Known - saves statistics also for not completed files (from SF-IOM mod)
? New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 ? downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB
? Mod version - see what mods are using other users (partially from The Black Hand mod)
? Configuration of MSS in Connection Tab (from Morph Next and LSD mod)
? Features for RELEASERS:
- Power Sharing from ZZ (safe MorphKad 0.4 implementation). File in Power Shared mode is automatically uploaded with full chunks, regardless what you set in preference.
- HideOS / Selective Chunk Sharing from SF-IOM mod
- HideOS value and Selective chunk per file basis. Every file can have it's own values (right click on file in Shared Files window), so released files can have HideOS value 1 and Selective Chunk enabled (as Slugfiller recommends) and normal files default value (5)
- Parts Selector - manually choose which parts are Enabled/Disabled (from Plus mod) or Auto managed (Auto means HideOS). Manually enabling/disabling works only for completed files and in power shared mode. Like in HideOS, if you block a part, but user can't take any other, the part is automatically unblocked for this user (so you won't become NSS for him).
- ICS Inteligent Chunk Selection from enkeyDev! - to avoid two or more users choose to download the same chunk, ECS relies only on randomness: users choose randomly *hoping* to choose a different chunk each; in ICS users exchange infos about what chunk is being downloaded ATM, then a user can choose the less-downloaded (priority: spread the file faster); in ICS the user preference "first/last chunk" take importance only when there are NO rare chunks (priority: spread the file); With ICS, the same situation is a release-mode one, then you will choose the shortest-to-complete chunk that is not being downloaded ATM by any other client. This increase the probability you and the other clients would have downloaded different chunks and keep (globally) a complete source for the file, though a couple of sources quit...
- Detail view of parts spreading with double click on file in shared files window
? Save Upload Queue Waiting Time (SUQWT) by Moonlight. - save each upload queue client's wait time when it exits the upload queue and restore it the next time said client comes back in the queue (enable/disable this in Extended Settings->SUQWT)
? AutoPriority based on Valid Sources from Sivka (AutoHL) - on hard limit column you can see Valid Sources/Hard Limit; - variable Hard Limit with auto-function (50...1000, in-/decrease depend on priority of DL-file); - updating of Hard Limit is depended on Timer value; - Hard Limit per file will be initiate with value from usual used Hard Limit in preferences; - You can enter manually Hard Limit for individual files (right click - menu Sivka - AutoHardLimit)
? Active Connection Control by Obelix - option in Extended Settings
? Merge Known - saves statistics also for not completed files (from SF-IOM mod)
? Drop High Queue Rate sources - usefull for 56K users (for others rather not because with time flow, queue ranks are decreasing). Drop is done the same way as original clients drops FullQ and NSS (can be enabled/disabled in "Extended settings" in "Preferences")
? Winsock2 by eWombat
? Toolbar from Kademlia client - you can use now skins!
? Pawcio Bandwidth control (Tag: "Pawcio: BC") - tab "Bandwidht Control" in Preferences[/color][/b]
Completly new upload system based on Maella (50 ms, packets splitting), ZZ (USS) and own ideas.
? High priority process for eMule form MorphKad - option in Extended Settings
? See own comments in Shared Files window from MorphKad
? Reconnect on LowID in Server Tab (by Tarod) thanks to WiRAHA
? Code fixes:
- Maella fixes for Sockets
- fix in CUploadQueue::AddClientToQueue()
- fix in CUpDownClient::unzip()
- fix in CUpDownClient::TryToConnect()
Changelog v2c
[ADDED] Rename of Shared files by pressing F2 button or from the context menu (tag:<Ded - Rename shared files>)
[ADDED] Now you can send a string in Irc with your stats and set the format! (tag:<Ded - Irc Stats>)
[ADDED] Button to delete the cronology of searches
[ADDED] Colors to own queue position (from SF-IOM)
[ADDED] Control in Tray Menu to Enable/Disable the Away State
[ADDED] Buttons in Release windows are now icons
[IMPROVED] New StartNextFile, now it's really useful for series!
[CHANGED] The menu in the shared file list now shows only one menu item between source ed2k link and hostname ed2k link
[CHANGED] Several fixes in Release window (from enkeyDev)
[CHANGED] Settings of ICS (Pawcio)
[CHANGED] Modified multiplier for Push SF
[CHANGED] Increased release priority for files that aren't in PowerShare mode
[FIXED] Proper display (violet chunks) of incompleted chunks
[FIXED] Power Shared files score
[FIXED] LowID users getting immediately slots after already being on upload queue
[FIXED] Bug the "v" wasn't showed in the A4AF menu when a file was In A4AF Auto
[FIXED] Bug in Push SF/RF (they worked only with Pawcio Credits System)
Full changelog inside the archives
Stay tuned :thumbup: