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Alt 28. August 2003, 22:12   #1
Registriert seit: 03.07.2003
Beiträge: 6
Standard: eMule v0.28a Anti-Leecher v1.0 based on eWombat Problem: eMule v0.28a Anti-Leecher v1.0 based on eWombat

Changelog eMule v0.28a Anti-Leecher v1.0 based on eWombat

added MTU
added new Anti-Leecher Settings
fixed Upload Stability

Changelog eWombat

o S.N.A.F.U. (AntiCreditTheft2/eXtended AntiLeecher)
- Detected leecher clients will be banned and can be manually kicked from uploadque or can be unbanned
- Not based on AntiCommunity-Strings
- The detection part is removed from the sourcecode , request it via mail.
o SafeHash adapted from slugfiller
o Accurate speed measurement adapted from BadWolf(Ottavio84) (<=eMule029a)
o A4AF Handling adapted from sivka/eMule
- Manual swap all A4AF to this file"
- Manual swap all A4AF To other files
- Auto swap all A4AF to a selected file
- automatic swaps no needed part clients to other files (<=eMule)
o Cleanup Queue Menu Added
- Manual drop NoNeedSource, FullQueueSource, QR>max(changeable) Source and Unknown Sources
o individual file preferences
- For every file in downloadqueue cleanup-values and MaxSources are changeable
- If not changed they'll use the main-preferences
o New/Cleaned preferences tabs: eWombat upload, eWombat download, eWombat settings
o moved files preferences.* to config\eWombat.* and adresses.dat,ipfilter.dat,shareddir.dat, webservices.dat to config\*.*
o DrawStatusBar slightly improved and fixed
o fixed: Flushing On Part Completion To Avoid Corruption (adapted from skynetman)
O fixed: Corrupted Upload Client List In Cknowfile, can cause crash or bad obtainedpart data (adapted from zegzav)
o fixed: download Stops Prematurely (adapted from jicxicmic)
o fixed: catching crashs when using 'gethostbyname' with third party winsock DLLs (<=eMule029a)
o fixed: little Bug in ProxyLayer for ASyncSocketEx
o fixed: some float to int conversions (<=eMule0.29a)
o adapted exeption-handling from eMule0.29a
o fixed multiple instances of one source
o fixed loading/saving credits.met
- if credits.met is corrupted eWombat trys to open credits.met.bak
- clients with no credits won't be saved
o fixed 'client's with incrorrect names get std. names'
o possible fix for onlinesig
Hab den Mod zufällig in einem ausländischen forum gefunden!
Black Panther ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 29. August 2003, 02:09   #2
Advanced Member
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Beiträge: 169

Basiert auf den eWombat0060

Gruß gvstarfleet
gvstarfleet ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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