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Alt 9. October 2003, 19:23   #1
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800
Standard: eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03] Problem: eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03]

Xtreme 1.2 - full featured Maella Mod

Hotfix Version. It's strongly recommend to update!


ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.2.rar|1091573|BFDE31E11F267E04E A39F14E3FE114BB|/
Binaries G7 for PIV & Athlon XP:
ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.2-sources.rar|2592384|32701ABDB6BB779F3C8CAE97CA839F 27|/

Renegade: (sources & binaries)

Binaries : emuleXtreme1.2rar


- Bugfix: if hideOS was set to 0 it showed false parts to the other clients. strange bug!
- Bugfix: memory leak at HideOS
- Bugfix: transfered chunks wasn't added to spreadlist.
- Changed: HideOS now works only for file with more than 3 chunks

- Patch: yellow curve (network-traffic) is now coded with 64 bit (avoid problems with high speed connections) (Maella)

- Fix: small bug at close backdoor
- Patch: faster sorting of uploadqueuelist

Xtreme 1.1 - full featured Maella Mod

Based on 0.29c Maella 4.1.08

included all security fixes of 0.30a


ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.1.rar|1090087|E4B1350EADF039E0F CDC48D659CAF1E4|/
Binaries G7 for PIV & Athlon XP:
ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.1G7.rar|1083405|202FAE866282EA7 90413B49C1EE21EBF|/
ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.1-sources.rar|2597109|F2460A3E9F4BBF012D0056B7575B62 C9|/

Renegade: (sources & binaries)

Binaries : emuleXtreme1.1.rar

Binaries : emuleXtreme1.1.rar

Binaries G7 for PIV & Athlon XP: emuleXtreme1.1G7.rar

New Features:

- QueueOverflow with Minimumcontingent

For each file you share, a minimum amount of clients are always allowed to get on your uploadqueue.
The minimumcontingent per file is calculated: queuesize/sharedfiles/2
e.g.: queusize=2000, sharedfiles=20 --> minimumcontingent per file= 50
This means, if uploadqueue is full and a client is asking for a file with less than 50 clients are on uploadqueue, the client is allowed to get on queue.

- See OnUploadqueue
At the shared filelist panel you see now how many clients are on your uploadqueue for each file.
(Modder: this feature is needed for the new Queueoverflow)

- improved friendhandling
From uploadqueue-list, downloadqueue-list and upload-list you can now Add a friend, remove a friend, open friendslot.
(+ fix: the GUI is updated mmediately, impossible functions are grey)

- new Leecher-Tab
If Verbose is enabled, you see all Leecher and Ban-Messages on an extra Tab
(+ added new leechersignatures, + some small code improvements)

patch & fix & change:
- removed community (not longer allowed)
- removed sivkas allow queue overflow (not longer allowed) --> replaced with QueueOverflow with Minimumcontingent
- removed reask a client (not longer allowed)
- patch: only send valid sources (on SourceExchange) (Xman)
official client send all sources from downloadque. now only sources are sent, which are asked bevor.
- Xman SharedFiles Sortfix
clients with very low priority are not longer kumping around
- creditsystem: decreased the bonusfactor a little bit.

Xtreme 1.0 - full featured Maella Mod

Based on 0.29c Maella 4.1.08

included all security fixes of 0.30a

New Features
- Xman improved Credit System
This feature is an enhancement of the existing credit system. It rewards clients which gives you a high download. This clients gets a bonus factor.
On the other side, clients you upload much data and the don't give something back to you will get a penalty for the current emule session.

formula for positiv bonus:
bonus=(download-upload)/10485760 - (1.0f/(download/10485760)

The max scoreratio is 10. (like official)

official version: (with ~ 1 Chunk difference)
download 10MB, Upload 1MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,46
download 20MB, Upload 11MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,63
download 30MB, Upload 21MB -->scoreratio for this client: 2,86
download 90MB, Upload 81MB -->scoreratio for this client: 2,22

download 50MB, upload 20MB -->scoreratio for this client: 5,0
download 90MB, upload 50MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,6
download 120MB, upload 80MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,0

Xman improved creditsystem: (with ~ 1 Chunk difference)
download 10MB, Upload 1MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,46 + bonus:0
download 20MB, Upload 11MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,63 + bonus:0
download 30MB, Upload 21MB -->scoreratio for this client: 2,86 + bonus:0,2
download 90MB, Upload 81MB -->scoreratio for this client: 2,22 + bonus:0,7

download 50MB, upload 20MB -->scoreratio for this client: 5,0 + bonus:2,2
download 90MB, upload 50MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,6 + bonus:3,7
download 120MB, upload 80MB -->scoreratio for this client: 3,0 + bonus:3,8

a client can get a negativ bonus of 0,1 if you gave him 1 chunk(9,28MB) more this session and also at complete comparsion of download/upload without geting something back
a client can get a negativ bonus of 0,2 if you gave him more than 2 chunk(9,28MB) this session and also at complete comparsion of download/upload without geting something back
(please see the code, I can't explain this very good)

- Xman Full Chunk
This is a compromise of Tarod-Full-Chunk and VQB-Full-Chunk.
Tarod stops the upload when a client request a diffrent chunk. VQB always transfers 9,29MB.
With Tarod it can happen that a user only gets a few Bytes. With VQB your cycling time is to big.
Xman Full Chunk always gives at least 2 MB without looking at the chunk boarder. After 2 MB the upload stops if a new chunks is requestet. The upload also stops after giving ~9,28 MB (~one Chunk).

- Xman Upload reduction
Many people know the problem: if the download is to high they have problems with the upload. This is because every downloaded packet needs an acknowledgement. This acknowledgements make your upload unstable. Because of this many people lower their upload from the beginning. (giving only 10 instead of 14 kbs).
Xman upload reduction looks at the download and reduce the upload softly und slowly when your download increase. If your download decrase the upload increase.
If this feature is enabled you can set a much higher uploadrate.

Recomment Setting: Apply limits to overhead + upload reduction

upload reduction don't work with NAFC full control!
min upload with this feature is always 10kbs!

- CIDE compatible userhash (enkeyDev/Xman)

If you don't have a userhash (prefences.dat) a new one, full CIDE and RSA-SI compatible userhash will be generated. So you can be identified at both systems.

More features:
- New Icons from gamma mod + a few selfmade
- Xman Sortorderfix (Downloading Clients are not jumping around anymore)
- Xman no uploadlimit for the friendslot
- Xman give at least 1,5 MB (without Full Chunk upload)
- show correct version icons (sharazza, edonkey...) (seen at theblackhand)
- show own credits (VQB)
- show the client with credits at downloadqueue
- manual drping of sources (LSD)
- request a client (sivka)
- community (sivka)
- allow queue overflow (sivka)
- hide overshares (slugfiller)
- Show Requested Files (sivka)
- See complete Sources (zegzav )
- Anti Leecher-Protection (xrmb/IceCream/Athlazan)
- Show Download Percent
- Check diskspace (Slugfiller)

patches and fixes:
- Queuesortingfix(Uploadqueue wasn't being sorted) + Fix for faster sorting (Xman)
-patch new timer handling (xman)
-fix missing codeline at hideos (Xman)
-fix dowloadlimit calculation althought it wasn't needed (Xman)
-fix DrawUpStatusBar (wistily)

+ many more small bugfixes and improvements (Xman)

+ all features of Maella:

1. [FAF] -Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements-

2. [FAF] -One-queue-per-file- (idea bloodymad)

3. [patch] -Enhanced Chunk Selection- (based on jicxicmic)

4. [patch] -New Save/load Sources- enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)

5. [patch] -Enable/Disable source exchange in preference- (Tarod)

6. [patch] -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Idea of xrmb)

7. [patch] -Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 II- (Idea of Statik)

8. [patch] -AntiCrash/AntiFake handling- (Vorlost/Mortillo)

9. [patch] -Accurate measure of bandwidth: eDonkey data + control, network adapter-

10 [patch] -MTU Configuration-

11. [patch] -Minimum Upload Slot-

12. [patch] -Small latency-

13. [patch] -New bandwidth control-

Attention: the upload limit cannot be set to 'unlimited' (with 0) within the preferences.

14. [patch] -Overhead compensation (pseudo full rate control)-

15. [patch] -General Code Improvement/Avoid Heap/Code Fix-

16. [patch] -Extended clean-up II-

17. [fix] -New Timer Management-
The management of the main timer was rewritten. With this refactory, a better superversion of the program's exceptions is possible. The application should not close any more by itself without generating a dump file. This modification should help for the debugging.

18. Divers

[patch] -Fake Search- (sivka)
Check if a file is not listed as a fake.

[patch] -Upload Stop Reason-
[patch] -Download Stop Reason-
Add some information about end of session in the statistic tree (verbose must be activated).

[patch] -Activate Smart Low ID check-
Try to reconnect 3 times to a different server when a LowID is received.

[patch] -Auto-update of Ipfilter.dat- (milobac)
Small facility to download manualy a new version of the IPfilter.dat

[patch] -Close Backdoor-
A client (Hybrid + MLDonkey) might ask a file to gain but download another. When detected, the client will be
put back in the waiting list with a penality.

[patch] -Allow Hybrid to download from eMule-
The Hybrid (v49.4/v49.5) won't be rejected when it asks for block larger than the default allowed size.

[patch] -Spread Request- (idea SlugFiller)
Try to spread the TCP session over the time to avoid some pick in the level of simultaneous connections.
It adds a jitter of +-2 minutes to the default timming of request.

[patch] -Auto A4AF-
Try to swap to the file with the flag A4AF or to the files with a higher priority.
There is an option that will automaticaly select the next A4AF file within the same category after a complete download. The selection is done with three parameters: priority and name.

[patch] -Reask sources after IP change- (idea Xman)
Reinitialize all sources after a change of the global IP (e.g. modem disconnected) or a change of lowID to lowID.

[Fix] -Unnecessary Protocol Overload-
Reduce by up to 50% the number of TCP creations to refresh the eDonkey download session. The ping signal is now correctly used and the client takes advantage of existing TCP sessions to perform all refresh operations.

[Fix] -2 GB file limit- (bluecow)
[Fix] -Failed Upload Session Count-
[patch] -Allow Hybrid to download from eMule-

[patch] Ban Hashchangers (official 0.30a)

Explanation of the icons:
It's very easy because the icons are self-explanatory.
Yellow Icons --> client has credits (at downloadqueue: you have credits at this client)
blue Icons --> clients without credits

ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.0.rar|1091880|E48E9DE5848549078 0A9885A557C8646|/
Binaries G7 for PIV & Athlon XP:
ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.0G7.rar|1083441|AC3A2B8CF8E92E6 456BB2CBD5CF98093|/
ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.0sources.rar|2597604|0D631E67C4 355EB54BA6A3AAE41E6190|/

Big thanks to Thdragonth, skeno,xtremchopper, renegade for the mirror:


Binaries G7 for PIV & Athlon XP: emuleXtreme1.0G7




Binaries G7 for PIV & Athlon XP: emuleXtreme1.0G7
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Alt 9. October 2003, 19:36   #2
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Benutzerbild von MadeinChina
Registriert seit: 17.07.2003
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Xman, hört sich ja sehr gut an *händereib* werd ihn nach der 24-Stunden Trennung mal anschmeisen. Ich werd dann mal meine Ergebnisse posten!

AMD Athlon @1200Mhz, MSI K7T Turbo, 40 GB und 120 GB von Maxtor, 2x 256MB SDRRAM, ATI Radeon 8500, Win XP Prof.

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Alt 9. October 2003, 19:38   #3
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Standard: eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03] eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03] Details

Genau das selbe werde ich auch tun und hoffen das die Quelle blau wird!!

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Alt 9. October 2003, 19:41   #4
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Benutzerbild von Mulio
Registriert seit: 12.07.2003
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Standard: eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03] Lösung: eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03]

Lad ihn dann auch ma setze ihn dann auf powershare.
Saug du Esel!
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Alt 9. October 2003, 19:49   #5
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
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Standard: eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03] eMule 0.29c Xtreme 1.2 - Full Featured Maella Mod [03.11.03] [gelöst]


für den ersten Release wäre es vielleicht ganz nützlich, wenn du ed2k-Links mit dir als Quelle und/oder den Server angibst, auf dem du dich befindest. Letzteres bitte auch mit IP und Port, denn den Server SmallCountry habe ich bei mir nicht, auch in einigen HTML-Serverlisten habe ich ihn nicht gefunden. Ist die Angabe überhaupt aktuell?
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Alt 9. October 2003, 19:52   #6
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

sehr aktuell... und smallcountry ist der interne Name von Razorback.. weiß nicht warum Razorback sich manchmal als smallcountry ausgibt.

Man hat mich übrigens schon gefunden
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Alt 9. October 2003, 20:02   #7
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Benutzerbild von lexaiden
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na da bin ich ja mal gespannt... morgen nachmittag nach der 24std trennung geht das teil ans netz...

der vorläufer läuft ja schonmal SEHR geil!
eMuleRechner: CPU Pentium-M 2266Mhz - 2Mb L2Cache, 2GB Ram, WinXP Pro SP3 mehr...
Netzwerk: (VDSL-Modem - 300HS) <--> (Router PIII 533Mhz - FLI4L) <--> (8-Port Switch/ WLAN AccessPoint WRT54) <--> (3x Clients)
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Alt 9. October 2003, 20:17   #8
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@Xmen ich finde dich nicht und bin auf Razorback.
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Alt 9. October 2003, 20:19   #9
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Benutzerbild von Scum
Registriert seit: 27.07.2003
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Cool! Laden und testen!

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Alt 9. October 2003, 20:21   #10
Registriert seit: 05.10.2003
Beiträge: 26

moin Xman,
versuche grad deine mod hier zu ziehen, aber meine muli findet auf keinem server quellen...
kannste nich mal binaries zum download stellen.? wäre cool, bin nämlich ganz heiß auf deine mod!

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Alt 9. October 2003, 20:24   #11
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033


Die Verbindung Razorback = Smallcountry war mir neu, aber gut zu wissen und hat funktioniert, die G7 war ruckzuck da - und lief nicht . Jedesmal beim Start kam die Meldung, das das Tempverzeichnis nicht anlegbar ist (in Englisch). Dabei ist es egal, ob ich vorher das ganze config-Verzeichnis vom LC drin hatte, ob ich das Verzeichnis manuell korrigiert und neu gestartet habe oder sogar deinen Mod komplett ohne config-Verzeichnis gestartet habe, immer die gleiche Fehlermeldung. Im Eingabefenster für das Temp-Verzeichnis stand auch jedesmal irgendwelcher Müll drin. Ich zieh mir jetzt mal die normale Version, obwohl ich mir ehrlich gesagt nicht vorstellen kann, das das an den Compiler-Optionen liegen kann. Vielleicht die falsche Datei ins G7-Archiv gepackt?
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Alt 9. October 2003, 20:47   #12
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Ohh man Bitte mal anbieten zum Download!!
Es passiert nichts.


Na endlich
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Alt 9. October 2003, 21:00   #13
Registriert seit: 07.12.2002
Beiträge: 3.033

So, hab mir jetzt die normale Version gezogen und installiert, diese tut sofort ihren Dienst, auch mit dem Config-Dir vom LC. Scheint also irgendwas bei der G7-Version im Argen zu sein. Oder es tritt wieder mal nur bei mir auf
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Alt 9. October 2003, 21:04   #14
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Benutzerbild von Scum
Registriert seit: 27.07.2003
Beiträge: 183

Bin auch schon die ganze Zeit auf Razorback finde auber keine Quellen!

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Alt 9. October 2003, 21:04   #15
Registriert seit: 12.03.2003
Beiträge: 109


Die normale Version habe ich schon und stelle sie auf Release. Hier der Link mit Source:

ed2k://|file|emuleXtreme1.0.rar|1091880|E48E9DE5848549078 0A9885A557C8646|/|sources,|/

ed2k://|file|Emulextreme1.0Sources.rar|3688645|DE8B98A417 DC73B8C00107569EF4E3BA|/|sources,|/

Bis denn

AMD Athlon XP2600
1 GB Ram-180GB-DSL
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