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Alt 23. December 2005, 22:58   #1
Registriert seit: 15.06.2004
Beiträge: 6
Standard: der neueste MOD sucht developer Problem: der neueste MOD sucht developer

AcKroNiC invites you to eMule P3P Project!
2005-12-22 09:46
eMule P3P Project

ANts is an anonymous network. We choose ANts because this network is faster than other anon networks, is secure, hard to block (use TCP / SSL on port 443, as https and Skype do). ANts is also compliant with ed2k hashing, so you can search files in ANts using the same ed2k links you use for eMule.

ANts P2P is the client for filesharing based on ANts network. The app includes ANts network protocol access and p2p implementation. Through its GUI you can control both. In the future, new appz for ANts network (as email, distributed computing and http proxy) will be added. ANts P2P is written in Java, is open-source and released with GPL license. Translating it in C++ is too difficult.

eMule P3P project wants add ANts P2P to eMule, that is using eMule GUI for control and set ANts P2P settings. We let ANts P2P working in java, "hidden" to the users, and using eMule to control it. Communication between ANts and eMule can be assured by ICE, a very fast middleware.

In the GUI, we need few modifications. User should select which network join to (ed2k and/or kad and/or ANts). IRC channel should be irc.accessirc.net, channel #antsp2p (ANts use IRC for chat and bootstrap only). In shared files tab user should choose if he wants sharing a file on ed2k/kad, on ANts or both (red, green, yellow approach icons). So, completed files will be shared in both networks or not. Partial Files will be shared always on all three networks, if all networks are turned on. User should choose also ANts network port, bandwith limit and other network setting.

* adding anonymous third generation sharing to eMule
* not-blockable sharing (uses a common protocol and a common port, not blockable by ISPs - eMule /Kad instead is blocked by more and more ISPs in the world)
* ANts network and ANts P2P users will grow faster
* newbie can approach to ANts without learning a new program or leave eMule
* eMule and ANts can be developed as now, with different developing speed too. ICE will let them comunicate
* eMule versions who join ANts will always respect ratio and usual bandwidth limit

AcKroNiC team, who created AcKroNiC eMule mod, is glad to invite all developers to join in eMule P3P project and implement it.

AcKroNiC team
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