eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen. |
11. November 2006, 12:47
#1 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 02.04.2005
Beiträge: 8
| Problem: Downloaded part xx is corrupt
moin all!
stehe vor einen echt großen problem....
mein emule ladet immer corrupte parts herunter, egal was ich lade... habe es schon mit mehreren mods versucht aber immer das gleiche, habe auch schon den pc neu aufgesetzt, half auch nichts ......
das sieht dann immer so aus:
11.11.2006 12:08:12: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt
11.11.2006 12:08:12: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
11.11.2006 12:11:23: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt
11.11.2006 12:11:24: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
11.11.2006 09:55:42: Downloaded part 24 is corrupt
11.11.2006 09:55:42: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 24 for
11.11.2006 10:00:42: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:00:43: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
11.11.2006 10:16:45: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:16:45: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
11.11.2006 10:25:17: I.C.H.: Recovered corrupted part 19 Saved: 159 KB
11.11.2006 10:33:19: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:33:19: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
11.11.2006 10:37:40: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:37:40: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
11.11.2006 10:43:19: Downloaded part 32 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:43:19: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 32 for
11.11.2006 10:47:59: Downloaded part 137 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:48:03: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 137 for
11.11.2006 10:48:05: Downloaded part 17 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:48:05: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt :
11.11.2006 10:48:05: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
11.11.2006 10:48:10: AICH successfully recovered 8.93 MB of 9.28 MB from part 17 for
11.11.2006 10:49:04: I.C.H.: Recovered corrupted part 137
11.11.2006 10:49:32: I.C.H.: Recovered corrupted part 17
11.11.2006 10:53:36: Downloaded part 32 is corrupt
11.11.2006 10:53:36: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 32 for
11.11.2006 11:10:58: Downloaded part 32 is corrupt
11.11.2006 11:10:59: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 32 for
11.11.2006 11:29:49: Downloaded part 12 is corrupt
11.11.2006 11:29:49: AICH successfully recovered 9.10 MB of 9.28 MB from part 12 for
hier mal meine details:
derzeitiger MOD: Xtreme 5.3.1
DSL: 3000/384
CPU: AMD 1500+
RAM: 1 GB Corsair RAM
Festplatte: 120 GB seagate
Board: A7N8X Deluxe
OS: Windows 2000 SP4
irgenjemand eine ahnung woran das liegen könnte?
PS: ich habe es auf meinen arbeitsgerät porbiert, hier ladet emule keine corrupten parts herunter
Geändert von Sin10 (11. November 2006 um 13:21 Uhr)
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11. November 2006, 14:27
#2 | Alter Board Hase
Registriert seit: 14.11.2005 Ort: RIAA-Gefängniszelle 9
Beiträge: 1.354
| *klickst du hier*
Und das es auf dem Anderen nicht passiert ist sicherlich eher Zufall.
__________________ Pinguine sind süßer als Fenster, selbst wenn diese bunt sind! |
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11. November 2006, 15:16
#3 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 02.04.2005
Beiträge: 8
| Downloaded part xx is corrupt Details kann mir aber nicht vorstellen das dies zufall ist...
da ich die komplett GLEICHEN files am anderen pc rennen hatte ... und dort das nicht passiert ist ...
mal sehn was raus kommt.... |
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26. January 2008, 01:09
#4 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 27.10.2006
Beiträge: 8
| Lösung: Downloaded part xx is corrupt first: sorry to write in english
second: i have same problem, drive C: got full and then download kaput. i just want to know the name of the downloads that got corrupted so i can redownload them again, but damn emule doesn't show me anything ffs :E
metmedic, donkeydoctor, etc all that crap doesnt work. this is wrong, very wrong.. |
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26. January 2008, 01:33
#5 | Alter Board Hase
Registriert seit: 14.11.2005 Ort: RIAA-Gefängniszelle 9
Beiträge: 1.354
| Downloaded part xx is corrupt [gelöst] Sin10 had no problem with (totally) corrupted downloads, he just received broken chunks due to lack of ip-filter (as it seems).
Corrupted downloads shouldn't be caused by a full disk, eMule detects this and stops automatically as many downloads as needed. However, its not new to me that those tools for fixing downloads do not work, but they are worth a try.
Find out what temp-files belong to a broken download (check the working one's by clicking right/file details/metadata) and inspect them with an analyzing tool such as MediaInfo. It'll tell you what kind of filetype is in the tempfile (video, audio, archive...) so that you can try to open it with the right app.
You could also try to import the tempfiles back in eMule (under tools), but I guess this won't work.
__________________ Pinguine sind süßer als Fenster, selbst wenn diese bunt sind! |
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31. January 2008, 01:30
#6 | Newbie
Registriert seit: 27.10.2006
Beiträge: 8
| nothing worked, sorry. i didn't even wanted to recover any chunks, just the name OR the hash of files. nothing helped, and in the end i deleted all of it cause i wasnt even able to sleep at night :p now im having the totally frustated hard work of finding all the dvds that has parts missing and the others files. oh crap..
fyi, the min free size was set to 50Mb, and emule stopped there, but unfortunately another process continued to eat disk space (torrents) and THAT is why some downloads got corrupted. i know i know.. that shouldnt happen. but then again, the missing of the names/hashes shouldnt have occured too |
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31. January 2008, 14:23
#7 | Alter Board Hase
Registriert seit: 14.11.2005 Ort: RIAA-Gefängniszelle 9
Beiträge: 1.354
| You can not recover broken chunks yourself,I was talking 'bout your disappeard downloads. Well, its alsways a bad idea to run multiple filesharing clients at once.
__________________ Pinguine sind süßer als Fenster, selbst wenn diese bunt sind! |
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31. January 2008, 18:55
#8 | "Rächer der Genervten"
Registriert seit: 12.02.2003 Ort: Bei mir zu Haus.
Beiträge: 2.643
| Zitat:
Zitat von jamaica nothing worked, sorry. i didn't even wanted to recover any chunks, just the name OR the hash of files. nothing helped, and in the end i deleted all of it cause i wasnt even able to sleep at night :p now im having the totally frustated hard work of finding all the dvds that has parts missing and the others files. oh crap..
fyi, the min free size was set to 50Mb, and emule stopped there, but unfortunately another process continued to eat disk space (torrents) and THAT is why some downloads got corrupted. i know i know.. that shouldnt happen. but then again, the missing of the names/hashes shouldnt have occured too  | If you're looking only for the names of your corrupted files you should take a look into eMule's installation-folder, usually you can find there a file named 'downloads.bak' and another file named 'downloads.txt' where are all the files you're downloading listed in text-format.
Use an editor to open it, than it should look like this ->> - Date: 31.01.2008 18:43:20
- Directory: k:\5.3\_Temp
- Part file eD2K link
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 015.part ed2k://|file|ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent|27946|BF9FC81F0A410BAF337FA51CFCC E9009|/
- 013.part ed2k://|file|ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent|28105|27C9F01DBB83F3848787558E2F E9C6A8|/
- 006.part ed2k://|file|[Ubuntu.%E6%9C%80%E5%B0%8F%E7%B2%BE%E7%AE%80%E7%89% 88].ubuntu-7.10-jeos-i386.iso|158816256|63C9C7F3F7B5DB6E8F330F8BE665D97 C|/
- 007.part ed2k://|file|[Ubuntu].ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso|726663168|9E3ECD8B613E08135D942CDDE1412EC 5|/
- 008.part ed2k://|file|[Ubuntu].ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso|730691584|A769A7020B9D13DC1F01CC43B74485 AC|/
- 009.part ed2k://|file|[Ubuntu].ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso|4546652160|5C15065A5705D183A81E833CA3A9F8 FE|/
- 010.part ed2k://|file|[Ubuntu].ubuntu-7.10-server-i386.iso|524060672|CFFD88E4B4541619E5CBEAB18CBF19A C|/
- 011.part ed2k://|file|[Ubuntu].ubuntu-7.10-server-amd64.iso|535453696|61F82B5B40E82D5ED61D97FE91F92B 9F|/
- 012.part ed2k://|file|[Ubuntu].ubuntu-7.10-alternate-amd64.iso|727488512|A6AE068EB39F8E0E5FFB27468C7FCF 48|/
- 014.part ed2k://|file|ubuntu-7.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso|711245824|C16ED35D218F5BE7C4EE7AE447CE23 BC|/
- 016.part ed2k://|file|ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso|726663168|164D4BF4601A777CFBAE79AACE247E7 B|/
I hope this will solve your problem.
Pan Tau
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Solltest Du sachliche Fehler in meinen Beiträgen finden würde ich mich über eine Nachricht dazu / einen Hinweis darauf freuen. Man lernt nie aus, und ich lerne gerne. |
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