eMule0.27c 2 O² (based on Khaos12)
Changelog :
1-> [BugFix] GetScoreRatio() [Harvey56]
2-> 2 MemLeak fixes ( SendMuleInfoPacket() - SendPacket() ) [Harvey56]
3-> AntiCreditTheft [Lovelace]
4-> Filtre pour les clients eMule invalides (V0.00) [Mr Faber]
5-> [BugFix] "attempt was made to access an unnamed file past its end"[Pruv3750]
6-> fix SUC
7-> Affichage du bon nom de fichier dans la liste des sources (desole erreur d'inatention de ma part sur la 0.27c 1 O²)
+ differentes petites corrections par rapport a la 0.27c 1 O²
Edit by Usul: Das Update stand eigentlich weiter hinten im Thread, ich habs mal nach von geholt, danke an elchoupa. Hab den Inhalt aber nicht überprüft.
1-> Icones O²
2-> SourceSaver (max 25 pour 1 jour)[enkeyDEV]
3-> FunnyNick [xrmb modifie]
4-> Patch AntiFake/AntiCrash Handling [Vorlost]
5-> Potential spoof BUGFIX [Mooseta]
6-> Colonne compression (UploadList)
7-> Colonne position (UploadList)
8-> Rare/Small File push ratio [Tarod]
9-> Community Sharing (*2 sauf LowID)
10-> No Ban Community User [eMule+]
11-> Friends (*2 sauf LowID)
12-> Slot system
13-> Upload Throttle [Tarod]
14-> DonkeyDoctor upload system [i-a/DonkeyDoctor ]
15-> Ajout du nom de fichier dans downloadList clients
16-> A4AF en rouge
17-> Get first/last movie chunks par fichier [Dongato]
18-> Load for LoadRarestFinishedChunks patch2 [Vorlost]
19-> Drop no needed sources [Tarod]
20-> Fix sort Qr DownloadListCtrl [jicxicmic]
21-> FackeCheck
22-> Download A4AF (client, all, auto) [Tarod/enkeyDEV]
23-> Liens ed2k avec les 10 meilleures sources [Ottavio84]
24-> .ogm compresses en upload
25-> AntiFriendSharing (leechermod) [Vorlost]
26-> Patch SuperCompressedBlock [BadWolf]
27-> SUC [Lovelace]
28-> Stop Share Corrupt Parts other Clients Fix [SlugFiller]
29-> Patch recherche en 3 points [bluecow]
_____a-> Sources returned from local server while within search results are saved and used when the file is selected for downloading.
_____b-> Sources returned from global servers while within a global search are saved and used...
_____c-> When adding a file to the downloads from a filelist of an other client the client is added as a source.