Here's the next release of our eMule with the Kad network. This is still in the testing phase.. But, we are now including an installer to make things a little easier.. Please update to this version as soon as possible.. There are still a lot of old test clients out there..
ED2K Download Links Download Page (for mirrors) Change Log:
- Jan 05th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed several flaws in client and server overhead computation. (Note: You will see somehow increased overhead).
bluecow: Added Kademlia overhead statistics.
bluecow: Added client protocol handshake validation.
bluecow: To avoid spreading of false meta data, any (already) received meta data is dropped and locally created by examining file contents only.
bluecow: Fixed bug server connection duration statistics [Gnaddelwarz]
Unk: We delay publishing keywords to avoid spamming network with users that only stay connected for a very short time.
- Jan 04th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added thread safe synchronous command processing to Kad listener socket.
bluecow: Added explicit removing of file block requests for disconnected client to avoid file completion problems.
bluecow: Fixed sorting problems in shared files list control.
bluecow: Fixed very tricky bug in structured exception handling of client TCP socket.
bluecow: Already received but not processed packets are discarded after a client was disconnected.
bluecow: Fixed a potential client deletion crash bug related to IP filter.
bluecow: Added client protocol procedure state error log messages.
- Dec 31th, 2003 -
Unk: Changed Log messaging from Kad to Emule to a thread safe method. win98 should be able to run a little better now.. But, there seem to still be issues.
Ornis:Sharefileslistcontrol offers rename,delete,open it's folder via contextmenu for files
(deletes to recycle bin! use preferences.ini: RemoveFilesToBin=false, to have a eternal deletion)
Unk: Until a fix is found, we only update the clients ID when adding a Kad Contact to the list. This seems to avoid the win98 freeze.
Unk: Small change in Kad search tolerance and bootstraping.
- Dec 30th, 2003 -
Ornis: Downloadfile-Details, Filenametab: improved listing and sorting of the available filenames
Ornis: Allocating new filesize for tempfiles not blocking anymore (threading+buffering)
Ornis: Downloadlist: Sorting of the remain column for files now in 4-way-mode, to sort by remaining size OR by remaining time
Unk: Auto Kad bootstrap if you are trying to connect and see a Kad client.
Unk: The client now detects conflicts between UDP ports to prevent the client from freezing..
Unk: Bootstrap selectable by IP

ort or by a known Kad-client (searches your known client list for a Kad client to boot from)
bluecow: Reworked part file details dialog; added showing of several accumulated values for multiple selected part files.
bluecow: Removed Permissions column from Shared Files window (don't worry, it was never used).
bluecow: Reworked all Server-, Search-. Download- and Shared Files window context menus for supporting multiple selections.
bluecow: Fixed bug with first runtime wizard and enabled startup minimized option.
bluecow: Added option to restore the last used main window dialog at startup; (specify "RestoreLastMainWndDlg=1" in preferences.ini)
bluecow: Added Ornis' 4-way sorting for shared column in shared files window.
- Dec 28th, 2003 -
Unk: Added a lot of exception catching to Kad and SMIRC.
Unk: Gave incoming and outgoing Kad UDP packets same priority to keep outgoing packets from backlogging.
Unk: We now keep track on how many packets are sent with Kad Node lookups.
Unk: Search Jumpstarts are now only used when the search appears to have stalled.
Unk: IRC: /hop added.
Unk: Joined channels get focus now.
Unk: Fixed several memleaks with the Kad client
Unk: Added some flags to the Node lookups for future special purposes. (Can't be used until most client upgrade)
Unk: Small change to contact tree. More nodes known so that you find your target faster.
- Dec 22th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed problem with servers with IP which could be added to the server list.
bluecow: Resolved IPs of DynDNS servers are now verified and optionally filtered (IP-filter).
bluecow: Reduced memory usage of client instances.
Ornis: Option for automatic removal of completed downloads from list
Ornis: Create lang-folder if neccessary on language download