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Alt 18. October 2003, 04:01   #1
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326

Standard: eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test Problem: eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test

Zitat von Unknown1 auf eMule-project.net
Here's the next release of our eMule with the Kad network. This is still in the testing phase.. But, we are now including an installer to make things a little easier.. Please update to this version as soon as possible.. There are still a lot of old test clients out there..

ED2K Download Links
Download Page (for mirrors)

Change Log:

- Jan 05th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed several flaws in client and server overhead computation. (Note: You will see somehow increased overhead).
bluecow: Added Kademlia overhead statistics.
bluecow: Added client protocol handshake validation.
bluecow: To avoid spreading of false meta data, any (already) received meta data is dropped and locally created by examining file contents only.
bluecow: Fixed bug server connection duration statistics [Gnaddelwarz]
Unk: We delay publishing keywords to avoid spamming network with users that only stay connected for a very short time.

- Jan 04th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added thread safe synchronous command processing to Kad listener socket.
bluecow: Added explicit removing of file block requests for disconnected client to avoid file completion problems.
bluecow: Fixed sorting problems in shared files list control.
bluecow: Fixed very tricky bug in structured exception handling of client TCP socket.
bluecow: Already received but not processed packets are discarded after a client was disconnected.
bluecow: Fixed a potential client deletion crash bug related to IP filter.
bluecow: Added client protocol procedure state error log messages.

- Dec 31th, 2003 -
Unk: Changed Log messaging from Kad to Emule to a thread safe method. win98 should be able to run a little better now.. But, there seem to still be issues.
Ornis:Sharefileslistcontrol offers rename,delete,open it's folder via contextmenu for files
(deletes to recycle bin! use preferences.ini: RemoveFilesToBin=false, to have a eternal deletion)
Unk: Until a fix is found, we only update the clients ID when adding a Kad Contact to the list. This seems to avoid the win98 freeze.
Unk: Small change in Kad search tolerance and bootstraping.

- Dec 30th, 2003 -
Ornis: Downloadfile-Details, Filenametab: improved listing and sorting of the available filenames
Ornis: Allocating new filesize for tempfiles not blocking anymore (threading+buffering)
Ornis: Downloadlist: Sorting of the remain column for files now in 4-way-mode, to sort by remaining size OR by remaining time
Unk: Auto Kad bootstrap if you are trying to connect and see a Kad client.
Unk: The client now detects conflicts between UDP ports to prevent the client from freezing..
Unk: Bootstrap selectable by IPort or by a known Kad-client (searches your known client list for a Kad client to boot from)
bluecow: Reworked part file details dialog; added showing of several accumulated values for multiple selected part files.
bluecow: Removed Permissions column from Shared Files window (don't worry, it was never used).
bluecow: Reworked all Server-, Search-. Download- and Shared Files window context menus for supporting multiple selections.
bluecow: Fixed bug with first runtime wizard and enabled startup minimized option.
bluecow: Added option to restore the last used main window dialog at startup; (specify "RestoreLastMainWndDlg=1" in preferences.ini)
bluecow: Added Ornis' 4-way sorting for shared column in shared files window.

- Dec 28th, 2003 -
Unk: Added a lot of exception catching to Kad and SMIRC.
Unk: Gave incoming and outgoing Kad UDP packets same priority to keep outgoing packets from backlogging.
Unk: We now keep track on how many packets are sent with Kad Node lookups.
Unk: Search Jumpstarts are now only used when the search appears to have stalled.
Unk: IRC: /hop added.
Unk: Joined channels get focus now.
Unk: Fixed several memleaks with the Kad client
Unk: Added some flags to the Node lookups for future special purposes. (Can't be used until most client upgrade)
Unk: Small change to contact tree. More nodes known so that you find your target faster.

- Dec 22th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed problem with servers with IP which could be added to the server list.
bluecow: Resolved IPs of DynDNS servers are now verified and optionally filtered (IP-filter).
bluecow: Reduced memory usage of client instances.
Ornis: Option for automatic removal of completed downloads from list
Ornis: Create lang-folder if neccessary on language download

Neue Version 0.41a.10 [22.12.2003] genau rechtzeitig kurz vor den Feiertagen

Bitte den Hinweis zum ungültigen Server unten beachten!

Zitat von Unknown1 auf eMule-project.net
Download Page (Note, may take a bit to update that page)

This updates the core client to 30e..

Major changes from 30e:
1) A modified zz throttler is now included for upload..
Major changes for the Kad side:
1) Keyword publishing is optimized for clustering.
2) Searches will now respond up to 300 results per node.

Thanks to everyone in the Skins thread.. I've included the skin packages in the binary release..


22-Dec-2003 [bluecow]:
Note: There is currently an eMule Mod in the network which spreads an invalid server IP ( Depending on your network configuration (UDP related) and depending on your eMule server list preference settings, this may cause some troubles (mostly stalls, some mem leaks). The fix for this problem didn't take its way into this Kademlia test client. To avoid any possible problems I recommend to do the following.

*) Search your current server list for an entry with the IP If there is one available, remove it.

*) Add the following line to ipfilter.dat (see also the FAQ how to handle the IP-filter)

Code: - , 000 , INADDR_NONE
*) Goto Preferences/Security and enable the option "Filter servers too (rejects dynIP-servers too)".

This post has been edited by bluecow on Dec 22 2003, 08:37 AM
- Dec 21st, 2003 -
Unk: Fixed a bug with rechecking firewall.
Unk: You can bootstrap into kad even if your not connected.

- Dec 18th, 2003 -
bluecow: Improved reading of UL/DL priorities read from known.met and part.met files to avoid usage of unknown values.
bluecow: Fixed mem leak and possible stall in server UDP socket related to failed DNS queries.
Unk: Adjusted disconnect timeout for Kad.
Unk: IRC: Small tweak to add friend.
Ornis: Fix of auto resume next file of same category

- Dec 17th, 2003 -
bluecow: Optimized processing of keyword publish list.
bluecow: Removed multiple part file source lists for more performance.
Unk: Search requests now send up to 300 results
Unk: Keywords now publish in Clusters of 150 files making use of the keyword publish list.

- Dec 13th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added more memory and C++ object check code for debug builds.
bluecow: Fixed wrong usage of some internal lists [rayita]
bluecow: Improved updating of GUI for donwload queue [rayita]
bluecow: Removed automatically resuming of files with state Insufficient diskspace.
bluecow: Addeded manually resuming of files with state Insufficient diskspace.

- Dec 10th, 2003 -
bluecow: Improved sending of OP_CANCELTRANSFER.

- Dec 8th, 2003 -
bluecow: Reworked includes of entire source branch.
bluecow: Added showing of server attributes to MyInfo panel.
bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
bluecow: Upgraded to zlib 1.2.1

- Nov 27th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added Drag&Drop support for Windows Shell URLs and more IE URL formats. This means you can drag&drop eD2K-URLs which are stored as Windows Shell URLs (like the entries in IE Favorites folder) into the eMule window. Works for eD2K-file-, server- and serverlist-links.
bluecow: Couple of code optimizations for processing the sources lists.

- Nov 25th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added Drag&Drop support for ANSI Text and HTML Text clipboard data formats. This means you can drag&drop eD2K-URLs from Internet Explorer Windows into eMule window. HTML fragments means: everything which is currently selected within the HTML page and which is allowed to contain more than just one eD2K-URL. Works for eD2K-file-, server- and serverlist-links.

- Nov 24th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed crash bug when file date of local files was out of range.
bluecow: Fixed performance issue with log files which got too large.
bluecow: Log files which are larger than 1MB are renamed to a filename with the start of the log and the current log file is restarted. Max. log file size can be specified in preferences.ini section "eMule" keyword "MaxLogFileSize=<bytes>".

- Nov 23th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed context menu support in IRC and Message window.
bluecow: All listview context menus are positioned correctly when invoked with keyboard interface.
bluecow: Statistics graphs are not deleted if according property page was opened and closed without changing values.

- Nov 22th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added support for selectable text, copy to clipboard, save log to disk and rotating log for IRC Chat windows.
bluecow: Fixed handling of windows shutdown message (WM_QUERYENDSESSION).
bluecow: Added support for external performance logging with NT Performance Monitor compatible log files.
bluecow: Changed socket creation code for non-proxy connections to reduce system resource usage.

- Nov 21th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed performance problem with rotating log which could create very high CPU usage in some cases.
bluecow: Fixed mem leaks in UDP sockets [rayita]
bluecow: Added support for selectable text, copy to clipboard, save log to disk and rotating log for Message windows.

- Nov 20th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed window resizing problem related to customizable toolbar and system color/theme change.
bluecow: Main windows are maximized correctly (depending on toolbar style/height) at startup.
bluecow: Fixed string format buffer overflow with status command line argument [KuSh].
bluecow: Fixed several problems with skinnable icons which were not updated on the fly.
bluecow: Added background colors (skinnable) for IRC channel window and nick window.
bluecow: Removed closeable tab control for IRC windows.
bluecow: Added close command to context menus of IRC/Message windows.
bluecow: Added tripple click feature to search term edit control.

- 7. November 2003 -
Ornis: Abspeichern von Chats (IRC/Messages) , übers Kontextmenü (Req. Celvyn)

- Nov 5th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed rare occuring problem with staled server source request related to invalid part.met file contents.
bluecow: More safety in part.met file reading.
bluecow: Fixed problem with too frequently occuring server connection attempts with very short server lists.

- Nov 2nd, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed minor issue with queued local server source requests after new server connect.
bluecow: Fixed sorting of buffered part file blocks to achive less HD stress.
bluecow: Fixed memory leaks and flushing of buffered data to HD of paused files when file was canceled.
bluecow: Files which could not be completed because of not enough free disk space can be resumed manually to try another file completion process.
bluecow: Fixed bug in check min. free disk space which could cause endless low disk space notifications.
bluecow: Improved check min. free disk space for better handling NTFS compressed/sparse files.
bluecow: Fixed a bug where an NTFS compressed file could not be created because there was not enough free disk space to hold the uncompressed file.

Unk: Several bugs noted in the forum. Tried to check most of them.
* Sources to a Paused or Stopped file will be removed once an hour to remove old sources..
* We no longer send sources to Paused or Stopped files.
* A better check of valid sources to Part files for source exchange.
* Source exchanges for complete files now sends sources with obtained parts first.
Unk: Removed some redundent For Loops to save CPU in the DownloadQueue..

- Oct 30th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added grouping of local server source reasks packets into one TCP frame
bluecow: Fixed bug with check diskspace
bluecow: Fixed problem with lost read-only settings in preferences.ini after version change
bluecow: Fixed server TCP overhead statistics
bluecow: Fixed HTTP download dialog string resources

- Oct 29th, 2003 -
Unk: Fixed a non thread safe area that moved Kad Contacts in the list.
Unk: Fixed a area that would stop Kad sources from being added.
Unk: Added zz upload throttler.

- Oct 23th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed multi threading problem with a completing file which was concurrently uploaded.

- Oct 22th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed bug in webserver which can cause memory corruption [MoNKi]

- Oct 21th, 2003 -
bluecow: Changed creation of Kademlia threads for proper RTL initialization.
bluecow: Fixed some glitches in shared directories control; added keyboard interface; added volume labels

- Oct 19th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed bug with friends where a client without an IP or hash could be added as a friend.
bluecow: Fixed bug with ed2k URL registry key where path contains special characters.
bluecow: Fixed system and tray context menu items for connecting/disconnect to/from both networks.
bluecow: Added new MyInfo control; shortcuts for Ctrl+C=copy selected text; Ctrl+A=select all text

Zitat von Unknown1 auf emule-project.net
eMule 0.40f.26 (Kademlia Testclient)

A little background first...

Barry is a former developer that started working on creating a Kademlia client. His original goal was to create a completely new client based only on Kademlia. Also the idea was to make that client a Overnet compatable client.. Barry got some of the basic functions of it working, then disapeared from the scene.. (Hope he just got bored and left and that nothing happened to him..) Since Barry was the only one working on it at the time, none of us really continued it right away..

I then decided to continue working on it in my spare time (which was not much). But, instead of a completely new client, I would merge it into the current client.. I studied the Overnet network very hard and created a Overnet compatable eMule client. (Minus lowID support).. After looking at it very hard, I saw some issues with the Overnet protocol that I didn't like. With the network not being ours, I also wouldn't be able to change it without breaking Overnet protocol.. So, we as a team decided to do our own protocol with a modified form of Kademlia..

For those that understand Kademlia, the concept looks just fine on paper. (Check Kademlia Documentation for technical interests)
But in a pratical enviroment, the paper doesn't hold very well.. Therefore, I have tried to modify it a bit. Since this is the first real test of the client, these modifications may or may not work and will be adjusted as the test continues.. So, if you are willing to participate in the test, please update as often as possible..

If you are a Moder.. Please do NOT change anything involving the Kademlia side of the client.. One small change in the code when given to the masses can cause major pains to the network.. If you see anything that is in error or a way to improve it, create a thread here first.. If it does make things better, it will be added to the official client...
One more thing, if you felt to mod this TESTVERSION, remember that we published it here for test purposes. So dont set modded versions as regular versions or something like that!

Now to the brass tax..

The client is in a very alpha state.. Go here to read my notes about the current status of the client..

ed2k://|file|eMule0.40f26.zip|1629835|AC9AFC577DFABFB9D52 7316CCC8942F7|/

ed2k://|file|eMule0.40f26-Source.zip|2434423|52587FBE2189625DDE18050EB8A6EEF B|/

Comming soon

Binary (Many thanks to MrFloppy for the Mirror-May take time to update to new versions)

NOTE: Toolbar skins have changed. Therefore the older skins will not work..

Here's the changelog...

- Oct 16th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed GDI resource leaks in video preview dialog.
bluecow: Added more functions for icon customizing (see documentation in Template.eMuleSkin.ini file)

- Oct 15th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added more icons for Kademlia windows [this and other eye candy icons were made all by Daan]
bluecow: Fixed bug in friend list/control.
bluecow: Added sorting to friend list control.
bluecow: Fixed more context menus (search listview, queue list, client list,...)

- Oct 14th, 2003 -
bluecow: Fixed shutdown freezing bug
bluecow: Fixed bug with View Shared Files command
bluecow: Fixed glitches in Kademlia listviews
bluecow: Added icons for Kademlia listviews
bluecow: Fixed toolbar strings for customizing dialog
bluecow: Fixed context menu for friend listview
bluecow: Added keyboard shortcuts for friend listview (Del=Remove friend, Ins=Add Friend)
bluecow: Fixed context menu for shared files listview
bluecow: Added icon/color customization for all main listviews/treeviews
bluecow: Reduced GDI resource usage for all image lists
Unk: Fixed a bug introduced when changing how we published.
Unk: Adjusted the Server and Kademlia window a little.

- Oct 13th, 2003 -
Unk: Publishing of sources is now seperate from publishing keywords. This allows better control.
Unk: We now rotate the sources to a key better making sure the freshest sources are always first.
Unk: We also only index up to 50 sources per file since we only send a max of 50 sources to save memory.

- Oct 12th, 2003 -
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Alt 18. October 2003, 10:04   #2
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096

cosmic girl,

Sieht gut aus und läuft auch schön.
Allerdings wäre es auch schön, wenn zu dem Project eine kleine Hilfe-Seite erstellt würde,die auch regelmässig aktualisiert wird.

Was macht NaP eigentlich gerade ?


Januar1956 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. October 2003, 10:24   #3
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 3.315
Standard: eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test Details

die seite gibt es bereits http://www.emule-project.net/content.php?s=testclient

ich find die neuen sachen auch cool das mit den skins wird ne tolle sache

es gibt sogar schon ne skin hp... von irgendsonem kerl http://www.team-webmaster.de/kadskins

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Alt 18. October 2003, 12:46   #4
Junior Member
Benutzerbild von Mr.Impossible
Registriert seit: 26.05.2003
Ort: GE
Beiträge: 71
Standard: eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test Lösung: eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test

Meine Einstellung:

DL: 96 - Limit 0
UP: 16 - Limit 12
HL: 400
MC: 500
per 5 Sekunden: 35

Statistik nach kurzem Testlauf:

eMule v0.40f.26 Statistics [Mr.Impossible]

Upload-Speed: 11.74 kB/s
Average Uploadrate: 11.66 kB/s
Max Upload Rate: 12.05 kB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 11.66 kB/s
Download-Speed: 19.88 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 11.89 kB/s
Max Downloadrate: 42.78 kB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 11.89 kB/s
Time Statistics
Known Clients: 5045
Client Software
eMule: 4865 (96.7%)
v0.40.5: 22 (0.5%)
v0.40.4: 59 (1.2%)
v0.40.3: 18 (0.4%)
v0.40.2: 7 (0.1%)
Old: 3584 (73.7%)
v0.40.1: 4 (0.1%)
v0.40.0: 11 (0.2%)
v0.31.0: 1 (0.0%)
v0.30.0: 3568 (73.3%)
eD Hybrid: 70 (1.4%)
v10509: 1 (1.4%)
v10501: 44 (62.9%)
v10494: 4 (5.7%)
v10481: 4 (5.7%)
Old: 12 (17.1%)
v1050: 8 (11.4%)
v1048: 2 (2.9%)
v1047: 1 (1.4%)
v1044: 1 (1.4%)
eDonkey: 8 (0.2%)
v61: 1 (12.5%)
v60: 7 (87.5%)
xMule: 4 (0.1%)
v0.26.0: 4 (100.0%)
MLdonkey: 18 (0.4%)
cDonkey: 0 (0.0%)
Shareaza: 64 (1.3%)
Unknown: 16
Default: 4376 (86.9%)
Other: 661 (13.1%)
Low ID: 426 (8.44%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 3918 (80.53%) : 7 (0.14%)
Problematic: 0
Banned: 20
Filtered: 0
Shared Files
Disk Space

3 Stunden laufzeit !
GrEeTz Mr.Impossible
Mr.Impossible ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. October 2003, 20:19   #5
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326

Standard: eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test [gelöst]

Und was willst du uns damit sagen?
So ein langer post und irgendwie weitgehend sinnleer - wenn es jemanden interessiert, wieviele clients mit den verschiedenen Versionsnummern unterwegs sind, dann kann derjenige doch einfach in die Stats seines eigenen Muli schauen..

Du kannst schon explizit etwas aus der Statistik kopieren, wenn es nötig ist - aber was sollen wir hier mit z.B. diesen Zeilen anfangen!?
Zitat von Mr.Impossible
Problematic: 0
Banned: 20
Filtered: 0
Shared Files
Disk Space
cosmic girl ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. October 2003, 20:22   #6
Board Profi
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.014

und wer möchte kann auch hier die Neue Version Laden:
stern ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. October 2003, 22:20   #7
Registriert seit: 06.05.2003
Beiträge: 9

@ Cosmic Girl.

Meine Techn. Daten:

Win XP
Kein Router

Die Probleme treten nur mit den neuen Versionen ab 0.30 auf.
Und auch nur mit Mods wie Hunter,Morph,Kademlia...

ATOM ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. October 2003, 22:33   #8
It's cosmic ...
Benutzerbild von cosmic girl
Registriert seit: 14.01.2003
Beiträge: 3.326

Erstens ist Kademlia kein MOD! Das ist ein neuer client, der das ed2k Netzwerk und das serverlose Kademlia Netzwerk nutzt.
Und zweitens, wie ich schon im 0.40e thread schrieb, bist du mit deinem Problem hier im Development Forum fehl am Platz.

Wenn du keinen Router hast, dann weiss ich jetzt auch keinen besseren Rat als: Sieh nach, ob die Option Sicheres Verbinden aktiviert ist - falls ja, dann deaktiviere sie testweise - oder eben umgekehrt.

Aber bitte poste für weitere Fragen im eMule Allgemein Forum - am besten schreibst du noch mal für die Allgemeinheit genau, welche Probleme du hast - inkl. der Angaben, die du hier gemacht hast - in das Development Forum "verirren" sich erfahrungsgemäß nicht so sehr viele Besucher des Forums - damit auch weniger Leute, die dir evtl. einen Rat geben könnten..
cosmic girl ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. October 2003, 23:47   #9
Registriert seit: 14.10.2003
Beiträge: 26

werde mich nun auchmal ans testen machen
Ossi ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. October 2003, 02:40   #10
Board Profi
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.014


Ist dein Temp Verzeichniss sauber ?

Heist nur *.part und *.part.met

Dann Für Kademlia:

Bei jeder Neuen Version

Ein neues Verzeichniss (Ordner)
von der Installierten Version aus dem Config Ordner nur die



So wie Natürlich deinen Alten Namen Bei Behalten.

Sollte Kademlia nicht Verbinden bekommste alternativ eine nodes.dat unter meiner Sig

So wie der Ersten Mod von Kademlia => MorphKad 0.x
stern ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. October 2003, 04:40   #11
Advanced Member
Benutzerbild von Tobsen23
Registriert seit: 25.04.2003
Beiträge: 196

coole sache, der findet auch viele quellen, wenn man ed2k abstellt und alle gespeicherten quellen löscht

Tobsen23 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. October 2003, 08:55   #12
Registriert seit: 06.05.2003
Beiträge: 9

@ Stern

Habe mal alles gesäubert,und nun gehts.
Werde mal nen Testdzrchganga machen.
Ich danke Dir!
ATOM ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. October 2003, 10:30   #13
Junior Member
Registriert seit: 11.03.2003
Beiträge: 84

Hallo Leute !
Ich habe den Skin-Ordner entdeckt, bitte erklärt mir wie ich den Skin ändern kann oder wofür ist der Ordner ?
Für Eure Hilfe wäre ich euch dankbar
Savini ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. October 2003, 10:38   #14
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

Savini, rechte maustaste auf die toolbuttonleiste und dann skin auswählen!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19. October 2003, 10:39   #15
Registriert seit: 14.10.2003
Beiträge: 26

muss sagen das sich meine begeisterung in grenzen hält :-/

ratio könnt ihr in meiner sig lesen sowie zeit ect. find is nich sooooo der überflieger, da gings mir mit dem pawio besser ^^# aber trotzdem muss man sagen das mir besonders der äusserst stabile upload auffiel und so schlecht hat er ja bis jetzt auchnich gezogen ich bin trotzdem frohen mutes und warte weiter ab, denn alles in allem goiles teil

PS: hab irgendwo inner clientstats gesehen das es auch ne pawio mod für die 40´er gibt oder das jemand das hatte...ne idee wo man das herbekommen könnte?(könnte auch sein das es nur fake oder testprogs waren da auch ein sivka zu sehen war ^^#)
Ossi ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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  9. eMule 0.41b.29 Cyrex2001 V2c [19.02.2004]
    eMule MODs - Allgemein - 28. February 2004 (185)
  10. eMule V0.40f26 - Kademlia Test-Client
    Mülltonne - 18. October 2003 (1)
  11. eMulev0.40a.10 Kademlia Public Test [29.09.03]
    Mülltonne - 30. September 2003 (4)

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