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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 12. November 2003, 21:52   #1
Board-Äffchen !
Benutzerbild von NaP
Registriert seit: 18.01.2003
Beiträge: 1.563
Standard: eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004] Problem: eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004]

Zitat von hackersondope2002
Zitat von eMulefan83

die letzte Version hatte aufgrund der vielen Änderungen und erweiterungen einige Bugs. EinenTeil der Bugs hab

eMule 41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 Kademlia

Macht vorher eine Sicherheitskopie eurer Dateien!! Sicher ist sicher.
-Macht eine komplette Neuinstallation des Mods sonst kommts zu problemen.

Hier der Changelog der neuen Version:


41b.29 eF-MOD 0.9a1 Kademlia:

-fixed: Send Hello Packet (thx ThunderStorm) - please Update your Version!
-fixed: AutoDropFunctions
-fixed: AutoDropTimer (save changes)
-icluded some language Files (german, spanish, french, russian, italian, polish
-boost friends [Morph] (in extended Settings)
-Quickstart [Tritant] (in extended Settings)
-small anti-leecher improvement
-new Links (in "Tools"/"Links")
-some small fixes and changes

41b.29 eF-MOD 0.9a Kademlia:

-updatet to codebase 41b
-Reask Sources after IP exchange [Maella]
-smaller code improvements
-Kick Fake Rank Mods (now in extended Settings)
-Auto Drop Sources (in Tweaks)
-fixed manual Drop FullQueue
-updatet Bandwith Control to v1.1 [stormt]
-fixed bug in powershare feature
-fixed "save bug" in sls after restarting emule

And the mfck addons from stormit-mfck Mod:
MFCK [addon] - Display UDP Search status [eMulePlus]
MFCK [addon] - CacheUDPsearchResults [Itsonlyme]
MFCK [addon] - SearchCatchDownloads [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] ? Multisort on all Window [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] ? Display progress hash in status window[O² : Bzubzu]
MFCK [addon] ? Possibility to disable File State color with a checkbox for all states.
MFCK [addon] - Added PS_STOPPED Status [Lexiw]
MFCK [addon] - Open CatFolder in context menu[Avi3k]
MFCK [addon] - Priority Icon in upload list (see home site for explanations)
MFCK [addon] - Display User Hash in MyInfo [The Black Hand mod]
MFCK [addon] - Display Server BlackList from [The Black Handmod/Khaos]
MFCK [addon] - New tooltip's [eMulePlus/Rayita]
MFCK [addon] - Possibility to change font size for all window in preference/panel/display (no restart needed)
MFCK [addon] - New GUI (interface revisited: one button to switch all views Download/Upload/Queue/K
MFCK [addon] - Change font and color for all windows (Transfer/Server/Shared Files/Statistic tree/Search)
MFCK [addon] - Change color for files (Donwnloading/Complete/Paused/A4AF)
MFCK [addon] - Remainig size and time separated into two column
MFCK [addon] - New Statistic windows based on [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - Fake list update on startup [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - IP filter update on startup [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - Number of Clients (Upload/Queue/Known Client) is shown on transfer window.
MFCK [addon] - New no rated icon based on [NoamSon] idea (better file transfer look)
MFCK [addon] - Shared network directories [SLUGFILLER] (new version)
MFCK [addon] - Time Connected to a Source, displayed in Remain Column [LSD]
MFCK [addon] - Display A4AF file name in user column (in any color)
MFCK [addon] - Edit server in context menu [LSD]
MFCK [addon] - Display ask number in client column and tooltip [Sivka]
MFCK [addon] - Copy Ed2k links to clipboard (you can paste entire html page) [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
MFCK [addon] - Download overview (Active Transfer List) [XRMB]
MFCK [addon] - Funny nick [Xrmb]
MFCK [addon] - Preallocate Disk Space to avoid file fragmentation (Auto/Manual) [eMulePlus/Dongato]

41a.10 eF-MOD 0.8b Kademlia:

-manual drop of Sources:
-Full Queue (FULLQ)
-NoNeededSources (NNS)
-fix: Bug in PNR [my fault, sorry and buig thx to smk2003]
-updatet: Bandwith Control
-Cosmetic code change to ICS [Pawcio]
-fix:reduced overhead
-fix:SLS StartupSettings
-a few little fixes in code

40f.26 eF-MOD 0.8a Kademlia:

-merged to 41a.10 Kademlia Codebase
-fix: Defeat 0 Filles Part Senders (Crash Bug)
-Winsock2 [eWombat]
-eMule Process in High Priority [Pawcio] (in extended Settings)
-Active Connection Control [Obelix] (in extended Settings)
-Auto Hard Limit [sivka]

40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7d Kademlia:

-AutoClear Complete Files [NoamSon] (in extended Settings)
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow] (in extended Settings)
-updatet Pawcio Bandwith Control
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella] (in extended Settings)
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-implemented hotfix by official 30e
-bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
-bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
-updatet to zlib 1.2.1
-Icons by derKosta corrected

40f.26 eF-Mod 0.7c Kademlia

-kick Mods with FakeQueueRank
-added new Credit System [Pawcio]
-Save Upload Queue Time 2 [moonlight]
-updatet Bandwith Control [Pawcio]
-[fix]MobileMule 0.6b
-new Icons in Muletoolbar [thx to Kosta]
-Files coloured on red when not seen full sources by Ded [Pawcio]
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high -ratio (>3.0)
-extended clean-up [Maella]

40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7b Kademlia:

-Merged to 40f.26 codbase
-CPU Usage reduced
-Leecher Protection improved
-Only Load Complete Files
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time [moonlight]
-Merge Known
-[fixed] eMule crash
-[fixed] Buttons in Muletoolbar

Hier die Features im Überblick:


Features of the eF-Mod 0.9a based on eMule 41b.29:

-All Features of the Original Client
-Infinite Queue [SF-IOM]
-automatic Powershare [ZZ]
-improved Anti-Leecher Protection
-Anti Credit Hack [Morph]
-Check Disk Space [SF-IOM]
-Hide Overshare [SF-IOM]
-Safe Hash [SF/IOM]
-Bandwith Control / ZZUL [Pawcio]
-New Systray [MFCK/Pawcio/Plus]
-Mod Version / Mod Identification [SF-IOM]
-MSS - Max Segment Size [LSD]
-Drop High Queue [Sivka]
-Reconnect on LowID [TAROD]
-Merge Known
-Only Download Complete Files v.2.1
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time 2[moonlight]
-kick Mods with FakeRank
-New Credit System:

New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high ratio (>3.0)
-Auto Clear Complete Files
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow]
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella]
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-Estimated Downloadtime [enkeydev]
-Active Connection Control [Obelix]
-Winsock2 [eWombat]
-Auto Hard Limit [sivka]
-PNR (PartNameRecovery) [enkeyDev]
-ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) [enkeydev]
-manual drop Full Queue (FULLQ)
-manual drop NoNeededSources (NNS)
-manual drop ToomanyConnections
-manual drop Asking
-manual drop Connecting
-manual drop Unknown
-Reask Sources after IP exchange [Maella]
boost friends [Morph] (in extended Settings)
Quickstart [Tritant] (in extended Settings)
-New Credit System [Pawcio]
MFCK [addon] - Display UDP Search status [eMulePlus]
MFCK [addon] - CacheUDPsearchResults [Itsonlyme]
MFCK [addon] - SearchCatchDownloads [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] ? Multisort on all Window [SLUGFILLER]
MFCK [addon] ? Display progress hash in status window[O² : Bzubzu]
MFCK [addon] ? Possibility to disable File State color with a checkbox for all states.
MFCK [addon] - Added PS_STOPPED Status [Lexiw]
MFCK [addon] - Open CatFolder in context menu[Avi3k]
MFCK [addon] - Priority Icon in upload list (see home site for explanations)
MFCK [addon] - Display User Hash in MyInfo [The Black Hand mod]
MFCK [addon] - Display Server BlackList from [The Black Handmod/Khaos]
MFCK [addon] - New tooltip's [eMulePlus/Rayita]
MFCK [addon] - Possibility to change font size for all window in preference/panel/display (no restart needed)
MFCK [addon] - New GUI (interface revisited: one button to switch all views Download/Upload/Queue/K
MFCK [addon] - Change font and color for all windows (Transfer/Server/Shared Files/Statistic tree/Search)
MFCK [addon] - Change color for files (Donwnloading/Complete/Paused/A4AF)
MFCK [addon] - Remainig size and time separated into two column
MFCK [addon] - New Statistic windows based on [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - Fake list update on startup [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - IP filter update on startup [Morph MOD]
MFCK [addon] - Number of Clients (Upload/Queue/Known Client) is shown on transfer window.
MFCK [addon] - New no rated icon based on [NoamSon] idea (better file transfer look)
MFCK [addon] - Shared network directories [SLUGFILLER] (new version)
MFCK [addon] - Time Connected to a Source, displayed in Remain Column [LSD]
MFCK [addon] - Display A4AF file name in user column (in any color)
MFCK [addon] - Edit server in context menu [LSD]
MFCK [addon] - Display ask number in client column and tooltip [Sivka]
MFCK [addon] - Copy Ed2k links to clipboard (you can paste entire html page) [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
MFCK [addon] - Download overview (Active Transfer List) [XRMB]
MFCK [addon] - Funny nick [Xrmb]
MFCK [addon] - Preallocate Disk Space to avoid file fragmentation (Auto/Manual) [eMulePlus/Dongato]

binaries: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/e...n.rar?download
sources: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/e...c.rar?download
Installer: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/e...r.exe?download

Und natürlich im Downloadbereich des Forums

Eine Erklärung zu vielen Features findet ihr hier: eMule Features

eF-Mod Homepage

Viel Spaß beim Saugen und bitte gebt mir ein Feedback.

eMulefan83 ;-D
Zitat von MadeinChina
Zitat von eMulefan83

[b]eMule 41b.29 eF-Mod 0.8a Kademlia[/b]


-Please make a complete new and clean install of this mod
-Don´t use any language Files, because the mod will crash. (i´m working on that) 

Hier der Changelog der neuen Version:


[b]41b.29 eF-MOD 0.9a Kademlia:[/b]

-updatet to codebase 41b
-Reask Sources after IP exchange [Maella]
-smaller code improvements
-Kick Fake Rank Mods (now in extended Settings)
-Auto Drop Sources (in Tweaks)
-fixed manual Drop FullQueue
-updatet Bandwith Control to v1.1 [stormt]
-fixed bug in powershare feature
-fixed "save bug" in sls after restarting emule

And the mfck addons from stormit-mfck Mod:
    MFCK [addon] - Display UDP Search status [eMulePlus]
    MFCK [addon] - CacheUDPsearchResults [Itsonlyme]
    MFCK [addon] - SearchCatchDownloads [SLUGFILLER] 
    MFCK [addon] ? Multisort on all Window [SLUGFILLER]
    MFCK [addon] ? Display progress hash in status window[O² : Bzubzu] 
    MFCK [addon] ? Possibility to disable File State color with a checkbox for all states.
    MFCK [addon] - Added PS_STOPPED Status [Lexiw]
    MFCK [addon] - Open CatFolder in context menu[Avi3k]
    MFCK [addon] - Priority Icon in upload list (see home site for explanations)
    MFCK [addon] - Display User Hash in MyInfo [The Black Hand mod]
    MFCK [addon] - Display Server BlackList from [The Black Handmod/Khaos]
    MFCK [addon] - New tooltip's [eMulePlus/Rayita]
    MFCK [addon] - Possibility to change font size for all window in preference/panel/display (no restart needed)
    MFCK [addon] - New GUI (interface revisited: one button to switch all views Download/Upload/Queue/K
    MFCK [addon] - Change font and color for all windows (Transfer/Server/Shared Files/Statistic tree/Search)
    MFCK [addon] - Change color for files (Donwnloading/Complete/Paused/A4AF)
    MFCK [addon] - Remainig size and time separated into two column
    MFCK [addon] - New Statistic windows based on [Morph MOD]
    MFCK [addon] - Fake list update on startup [Morph MOD]
    MFCK [addon] - IP filter update on startup [Morph MOD]
    MFCK [addon] - Number of Clients (Upload/Queue/Known Client) is shown on transfer window.
    MFCK [addon] - New no rated icon based on [NoamSon] idea (better file transfer look)
    MFCK [addon] - Shared network directories [SLUGFILLER] (new version)
    MFCK [addon] - Time Connected to a Source, displayed in Remain Column [LSD]
    MFCK [addon] - Display A4AF file name in user column (in any color)
    MFCK [addon] - Edit server in context menu [LSD]
    MFCK [addon] - Display ask number in client column and tooltip [Sivka]
    MFCK [addon] - Copy Ed2k links to clipboard (you can paste entire html page) [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
    MFCK [addon] - Download overview (Active Transfer List) [XRMB]
    MFCK [addon] - Funny nick [Xrmb]
    MFCK [addon] - Preallocate Disk Space to avoid file fragmentation (Auto/Manual) [eMulePlus/Dongato][/quote]

Hier die Features im Überblick:


Features of the eF-Mod 0.9a based on eMule 41b.29:

-All Features of the Original Client
-Infinite Queue [SF-IOM]
-automatic Powershare [ZZ]
-improved Anti-Leecher Protection
-Anti Credit Hack [Morph]
-Check Disk Space [SF-IOM]
-Hide Overshare [SF-IOM]
-Safe Hash [SF/IOM]
-Bandwith Control / ZZUL [Pawcio]
-New Systray [MFCK/Pawcio/Plus]
-Mod Version / Mod Identification [SF-IOM]
-MSS - Max Segment Size [LSD]
-Drop High Queue [Sivka]
-Reconnect on LowID [TAROD]
-Merge Known
-Only Download Complete Files v.2.1
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time 2[moonlight]
-kick Mods with FakeRank
-New Credit System:

New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high ratio (>3.0)
-Auto Clear Complete Files
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow]
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella]
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-Estimated Downloadtime [enkeydev]
-Active Connection Control [Obelix]
-Winsock2 [eWombat]
-Auto Hard Limit [sivka]
-PNR (PartNameRecovery) [enkeyDev]
-ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) [enkeydev]
-manual drop Full Queue (FULLQ)
-manual drop NoNeededSources (NNS)
-manual drop ToomanyConnections
-manual drop Asking 
-manual drop Connecting 
-manual drop Unknown 
-Reask Sources after IP exchange [Maella]
    MFCK [addon] - Display UDP Search status [eMulePlus]
    MFCK [addon] - CacheUDPsearchResults [Itsonlyme]
    MFCK [addon] - SearchCatchDownloads [SLUGFILLER] 
    MFCK [addon] ? Multisort on all Window [SLUGFILLER]
    MFCK [addon] ? Display progress hash in status window[O² : Bzubzu] 
    MFCK [addon] ? Possibility to disable File State color with a checkbox for all states.
    MFCK [addon] - Added PS_STOPPED Status [Lexiw]
    MFCK [addon] - Open CatFolder in context menu[Avi3k]
    MFCK [addon] - Priority Icon in upload list (see home site for explanations)
    MFCK [addon] - Display User Hash in MyInfo [The Black Hand mod]
    MFCK [addon] - Display Server BlackList from [The Black Handmod/Khaos]
    MFCK [addon] - New tooltip's [eMulePlus/Rayita]
    MFCK [addon] - Possibility to change font size for all window in preference/panel/display (no restart needed)
    MFCK [addon] - New GUI (interface revisited: one button to switch all views Download/Upload/Queue/K
    MFCK [addon] - Change font and color for all windows (Transfer/Server/Shared Files/Statistic tree/Search)
    MFCK [addon] - Change color for files (Donwnloading/Complete/Paused/A4AF)
    MFCK [addon] - Remainig size and time separated into two column
    MFCK [addon] - New Statistic windows based on [Morph MOD]
    MFCK [addon] - Fake list update on startup [Morph MOD]
    MFCK [addon] - IP filter update on startup [Morph MOD]
    MFCK [addon] - Number of Clients (Upload/Queue/Known Client) is shown on transfer window.
    MFCK [addon] - New no rated icon based on [NoamSon] idea (better file transfer look)
    MFCK [addon] - Shared network directories [SLUGFILLER] (new version)
    MFCK [addon] - Time Connected to a Source, displayed in Remain Column [LSD]
    MFCK [addon] - Display A4AF file name in user column (in any color)
    MFCK [addon] - Edit server in context menu [LSD]
    MFCK [addon] - Display ask number in client column and tooltip [Sivka]
    MFCK [addon] - Copy Ed2k links to clipboard (you can paste entire html page) [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
    MFCK [addon] - Download overview (Active Transfer List) [XRMB]
    MFCK [addon] - Funny nick [Xrmb]
    MFCK [addon] - Preallocate Disk Space to avoid file fragmentation (Auto/Manual) [eMulePlus/Dongato]


binaries: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-efmod/eFMOD0.9a_kademlia_bin.rar?download
sources: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-efmod/eFMOD0.9a_kademlia_src.rar?download

Später natürlich dann auch auf der eF-Mod Homepage und im Downloadbereich hier.

[b]Eine Erklärung zu vielen Features findet ihr hier: http://www.**************.de/phpBB2_plus/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=56[/b]
Viel Spaß beim Saugen und bitte gebt mir ein Feedback.

eMulefan83 ;-D
Zitat von hackersondope2002
Zitat von eMulefan83

hier ist meine erste Version im Jahre 2004!
Basiert auf eMule 41a.10 Kademlia. (Arbeite ab sofort an der neuen 41b)
[b]eMule 41a.10 eF-Mod 0.8b Kademlia[/b]


Macht vorher eine Sicherheitskopie eurer Dateien!! Sicher ist sicher.

Hier der Changelog der neuen Version:

[b]41a.10 eF-MOD 0.8b Kademlia:[/b]

-manual drop of Sources:
			-Full Queue (FULLQ)
			-NoNeededSources (NNS)
-fix: Bug in PNR [my fault, sorry and buig thx to smk2003]
-updatet: Bandwith Control
-Cosmetic code change to ICS [Pawcio]
-fix:reduced overhead
-fix:SLS StartupSettings
-a few little fixes in code

[b]40f.26 eF-MOD 0.8a Kademlia:[/b]

-merged to 41a.10 Kademlia Codebase
-fix: Defeat 0 Filles Part Senders (Crash Bug)
-Winsock2 [eWombat]
-eMule Process in High Priority [Pawcio] (in extended Settings)
-Active Connection Control [Obelix] (in extended Settings)
-Auto Hard Limit [sivka]

[b]40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7d Kademlia:[/b]

-AutoClear Complete Files [NoamSon] (in extended Settings)
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow] (in extended Settings)
-updatet Pawcio Bandwith Control
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella] (in extended Settings)
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-implemented hotfix by official 30e
    -bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
    -bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
-updatet to zlib 1.2.1
-Icons by derKosta corrected

[b]40f.26 eF-Mod 0.7c Kademlia[/b]
-kick Mods with FakeQueueRank
-added new Credit System [Pawcio]
-Save Upload Queue Time 2 [moonlight]
-updatet Bandwith Control [Pawcio]
-[fix]MobileMule 0.6b
-new Icons in Muletoolbar [thx to Kosta]
-Files coloured on red when not seen full sources by Ded [Pawcio]
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high -ratio (>3.0)
-extended clean-up [Maella]

[b]40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7b Kademlia:[/b]

-Merged to 40f.26 codbase
-CPU Usage reduced
-Leecher Protection improved
-Only Load Complete Files
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time [moonlight]
-Merge Known
-[fixed] eMule crash
-[fixed] Buttons in Muletoolbar

Hier die Features im Überblick:

Features of the eF-Mod 0.7b based on eMule 40f.26:

-All Features of the Original Client
-Infinite Queue [SF-IOM]
-automatic Powershare [ZZ]
-improved Anti-Leecher Protection
-Anti Credit Hack [Morph]
-Check Disk Space [SF-IOM]
-Hide Overshare [SF-IOM]
-Safe Hash [SF/IOM]
-Bandwith Control / ZZUL [Pawcio]
-New Systray [MFCK/Pawcio/Plus]
-Mod Version / Mod Identification [SF-IOM]
-MSS - Max Segment Size [LSD]
-Drop High Queue [Sivka]
-Reconnect on LowID [TAROD]
-Merge Known
-Only Download Complete Files v.2.1
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time 2[moonlight]
-kick Mods with FakeRank
-New Credit System:

New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high ratio (>3.0)
-Auto Clear Complete Files
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow]
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella]
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-Estimated Downloadtime [enkeydev]
-Active Connection Control [Obelix]
-Winsock2 [eWombat]
-Auto Hard Limit [sivka]
-PNR (PartNameRecovery) [enkeyDev]
-ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) [enkeydev]
-manual drop Full Queue (FULLQ)
-manual drop NoNeededSources (NNS)
-manual drop ToomanyConnections 
-manual drop Asking 
-manual drop Connecting
-manual drop Unknown

Den Download gibt es natürlich auf der [b][url=http://efmod.**************.de]eF-Mod Homepage[/url][/b]

binaries: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-efmod/eFMOD0.8b_kademlia_bin.rar?download
sources: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-efmod/eFMOD0.8b_kademlia_src.rar?download

[b]Eine Erklärung zu vielen Features findet ihr  [url=http://www.**************.de/phpBB2_plus/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=56]hier:[/url][/b]
Viel Spaß beim Saugen und bitte gebt mir ein Feedback.

eMulefan83 ;-D
Zitat von Tarod`s Son
Zitat von eMulefan83
Hi @all:

This is the new Mod release, please test it and give me a feedback.
[b][size=11]   [URL=http://efmod.**************.de]eF-Mod Homepage[/URL]  [/b]

eMule 41a.10 eF-Mod 0.8a Kademlia - mostly based on Pawcio[/size]




[b]41a.10 eF-MOD 0.8a Kademlia:[/b]

-merged to 41a.10 Kademlia Codebase
-fix: Defeat 0 Filles Part Senders (Crash Bug)
-Winsock2 [eWombat]
-eMule Process in High Priority [Pawcio] (in extended Settings)
-Active Connection Control [Obelix] (in extended Settings)
-Auto Hard Limit [sivka]

[b]40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7d Kademlia:[/b]

-AutoClear Complete Files [NoamSon] (in extended Settings)
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow] (in extended Settings)
-updatet Pawcio Bandwith Control
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella] (in extended Settings)
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-implemented hotfix by official 30e
    -bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
    -bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
-updatet to zlib 1.2.1
-Icons by derKosta corrected

[b]40f.26 eF-Mod 0.7c Kademlia[/b]
-kick Mods with FakeQueueRank
-added new Credit System [Pawcio]
-Save Upload Queue Time 2 [moonlight]
-updatet Bandwith Control [Pawcio]
-[fix]MobileMule 0.6b
-new Icons in Muletoolbar [thx to Kosta]
-Files coloured on red when not seen full sources by Ded [Pawcio]
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high -ratio (>3.0)
-extended clean-up [Maella]

[b]40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7b Kademlia:[/b]

-Merged to 40f.26 codbase
-CPU Usage reduced
-Leecher Protection improved
-Only Load Complete Files
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time [moonlight]
-Merge Known
-[fixed] eMule crash
-[fixed] Buttons in Muletoolbar

[b]0.30c eF-MOD 0.7a:[/b]

-Based on eMule 30c
-Infinite Queue [SF-IOM]
-automatic Powershare [ZZ]
-Anti-Leecher Protection
-Anti Credit Hack [Morph]
-Check Disk Space [SF-IOM]
-Hide Overshare [SF-IOM]
-Safe Hash [SF/IOM]
-Bandwith Control / ZZUL [Pawcio]
-New Systray [MFCK/Pawcio]
-Mod Version / Mod Identification [SF-IOM]
-MSS (Max Segment Size) [LSD]
-Drop High Queue [Sivka]
-New Startsplash [thx to Kosta]
-Reconnect on LowID [TAROD]
-a few code fixes

*manual Drop NNS in 8b
*manual Drop FullQ in 8b
*and a lot more

*=in work


Hier die Features im Überblick:


Features of the eF-Mod 0.7b based on eMule 40f.26:

-All Features of the Original Client
-Infinite Queue [SF-IOM]
-automatic Powershare [ZZ]
-improved Anti-Leecher Protection
-Anti Credit Hack [Morph]
-Check Disk Space [SF-IOM]
-Hide Overshare [SF-IOM]
-Safe Hash [SF/IOM]
-Bandwith Control / ZZUL [Pawcio]
-New Systray [MFCK/Pawcio/Plus]
-Mod Version / Mod Identification [SF-IOM]
-MSS - Max Segment Size [LSD]
-Drop High Queue [Sivka]
-Reconnect on LowID [TAROD]
-Merge Known
-Only Download Complete Files v.2.1
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time 2[moonlight]
-kick Mods with FakeRank
-New Credit System:

New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high ratio (>3.0)
-Auto Clear Complete Files
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow]
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella]
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-Estimated Downloadtime [enkeydev]
-Active Connection Control [Obelix]
-Winsock2 [eWombat]
-Auto Hard Limit [sivka]



You can Download my Mod on the official eF-Mod Homepage: [b][URL=http://efmod.**************.de]http://efmod.**************.de[/URL][/b]

binaries: [URL=http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-efmod/eFMOD0.8a_kademlia_bin.rar?download]http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-e...in.rar?download[/URL]
sources: [URL=http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-efmod/eFMOD0.8a_kademlia_src.rar?download]http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/emule-e...rc.rar?download[/URL]
Please give me a feedback, thx.

eMulefan83 :+1:

Zitat von eMulefan83
Hi @all:

This is the new Mod release, please test it and give me a feedback.

eMule 40f.26 eF-Mod 0.7d Kademlia - mostly based on Pawcio




[b]40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7d Kademlia:[/b]

-AutoClear Complete Files [NoamSon] (in extended Settings)
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow] (in extended Settings)
-updatet Pawcio Bandwith Control
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella] (in extended Settings)
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]
-implemented hotfix by official 30e
    -bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
    -bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
-updatet to zlib 1.2.1
-Icons by derKosta corrected

[b]40f.26 eF-Mod 0.7c Kademlia[/b]
-kick Mods with FakeQueueRank
-added new Credit System [Pawcio]
-Save Upload Queue Time 2 [moonlight]
-updatet Bandwith Control [Pawcio]
-[fix]MobileMule 0.6b
-new Icons in Muletoolbar [thx to Kosta]
-Files coloured on red when not seen full sources by Ded [Pawcio]
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high -ratio (>3.0)
-extended clean-up [Maella]

[b]40f.26 eF-MOD 0.7b Kademlia:[/b]

-Merged to 40f.26 codbase
-CPU Usage reduced
-Leecher Protection improved
-Only Load Complete Files
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time [moonlight]
-Merge Known
-[fixed] eMule crash
-[fixed] Buttons in Muletoolbar

[b]0.30c eF-MOD 0.7a:[/b]

-Based on eMule 30c
-Infinite Queue [SF-IOM]
-automatic Powershare [ZZ]
-Anti-Leecher Protection
-Anti Credit Hack [Morph]
-Check Disk Space [SF-IOM]
-Hide Overshare [SF-IOM]
-Safe Hash [SF/IOM]
-Bandwith Control / ZZUL [Pawcio]
-New Systray [MFCK/Pawcio]
-Mod Version / Mod Identification [SF-IOM]
-MSS (Max Segment Size) [LSD]
-Drop High Queue [Sivka]
-New Startsplash [thx to Kosta]
-Reconnect on LowID [TAROD]
-a few code fixes

*Mods with Fake Rank kicken
*Pawico Credits
*Drop NNS
*Drop FullQ
*Multiple Instances
*and a lot more

*=in work


Hier die Features im Überblick:


Features of the eF-Mod 0.7b based on eMule 40f.26:

-All Features of the Original Client
-Infinite Queue [SF-IOM]
-automatic Powershare [ZZ]
-improved Anti-Leecher Protection
-Anti Credit Hack [Morph]
-Check Disk Space [SF-IOM]
-Hide Overshare [SF-IOM]
-Safe Hash [SF/IOM]
-Bandwith Control / ZZUL [Pawcio]
-New Systray [MFCK/Pawcio/Plus]
-Mod Version / Mod Identification [SF-IOM]
-MSS - Max Segment Size [LSD]
-Drop High Queue [Sivka]
-Reconnect on LowID [TAROD]
-Merge Known
-Only Download Complete Files v.2.1
-MobileMule 0.6b
-Save Upload Queue Wait Time 2[moonlight]
-kick Mods with FakeRank
-New Credit System:

New Credits (as an option in "Extended Settings" - "Pawcio Credits"):
- Range from 1.0 to 100.0
- Multiplier of 3 (instead of 2) ---- ratio = 3 * downloaded / uploaded
- For new clients (downloaded and uploaded data less than 1MB) ratio = 3.0 (instead of 1.0)
- If you have recieved more than 1MB from someone but haven't given anything back user gets ratio = 100.0
- Small bonus for clients that have given you many MB:
- if you get 100MB then user recieve ratio = 50.0 till you give back 108MB
- 50MB - ratio = 25.0 - 55MB
- 25MB - ratio = 12.0 - 28MB
- 10MB - ratio = 5.0 - 12MB
-Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high ratio (>3.0)
-Auto Clear Complete Files
-Only Download Complete Files 2.1 [shadow]
-Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [Maella]
-Save and Load Sources [enkeyDev]



Here are some directlinks ([b]it´s possible that the directlinks aren´t reachable, than use the links from the eF-Mod Homepage please[/b]).
Binaries: [URL=http://www.8ung.at/muli83/download/eFMOD0.7d_kademlia_bin.rar]eF-Mod 0.7d Kademlia binaries[/URL]
Sources: [URL=http://www.8ung.at/muli83/download/eFMOD0.7d_kademlia_src.rar]eF-Mod 0.7d Kademlia sources[/URL]

[b]other Mirrors (Big Thx):[/b]
[by Toy-AG]
binaries: [URL=http://www.lan-mania.ch/fsw/download/eFMOD0.7d_kademlia_bin.rar]http://www.lan-mania.ch/fsw/download/eFMOD...ademlia_bin.rar[/URL]
sources: [URL=http://www.lan-mania.ch/fsw/download/eFMOD0.7d_kademlia_src.rar]http://www.lan-mania.ch/fsw/download/eFMOD...ademlia_src.rar[/URL]
Please give me a feedback, thx.

eMulefan83 :+1:
NaP ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2003, 21:55   #2
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096

Ich lass ihn gleich mal laufen.
Sieht ja klasse aus der MOD.


Januar1956 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2003, 22:01   #3
Senior Member
Benutzerbild von MadeinChina
Registriert seit: 17.07.2003
Beiträge: 430
Standard: eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004] eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004] Details

Hab ihn seite heute morgen an und der Mod gefällt mir richtig gut:

eMule v0.40f.26 eF-Mod 0.7b Kademlia Statistics

Session ULL Ratio: 1 : 2.71
Hochgeladen: 506.81 MB
Aktive Uploads: 1
Wartende Uploads: 2000
Upload Sessions: 124
erfolgreiche Upload-Sessions (total): 110 (88.71%) (0.00%)
fehlgeschlagende Upload-Sessions (total): 14 (11.29%) (0.00%)
durchschnittlicher Upload pro Session: 4.61 MB
durchschnittliche Upload-Dauer: 13:45 Minuten
Gesamte Uploadmenge: 658.73 MB
Totaler Overhead (Pakete): 55.85 MB (1.44M)
Heruntergeladen: 1.34 GB
beendete Downloads: 0
Aktive Downloads: 11
Gefundene Quellen: 7310
Download Sessions: 401
erfolgreiche Download Sessions: 330 (82.3%)
fehlgeschlagende Download Sessions: 71 (17.7%)
durchschnittlicher Download pro Session: 4.16 MB
durchschnittliche Downloadzeit: 23:57 Minuten
durch Komprimierung gewonnen: 62.03 MB
durch Datenfehler verloren: 0 Bytes
Teile gerettet durch I.C.H: 0
Gesamte Downloadmenge: 1.55 GB
Totaler Overhead (Pakete): 45.61 MB (1.28M)
Erneute Serververbindungen: 0
aktive Verbindungen (geschätzt): 221
durchschnittliche Verbindungen (geschätzt): 224
Verbindungsspitze (geschätzt): 280
Verbindungs-Limit erreicht: 0
Upload-Geschwindigkeit: 9.18 kB/s
Durchschnittl. gesamte Uploadrate: 12.06 kB/s
Durchschnittliche Uploadrate: 9.27 kB/s
max. Uploadrate: 10.88 kB/s
max. durchschnittliche Uploadrate: 9.28 kB/s
Download-Geschwindigkeit: 29.07 KB/s
Durchschnittl. gesamte Downloadrate: 28.99 kB/s
Durchschnittliche Downloadrate: 25.10 kB/s
Max Downloadrate: 327.50 kB/s
Max Downloadrate Durchschnitt: 25.10 kB/s

Hab nur ein Problem gehabt. Und zwar konnte ich nach 10 Stunden Emule nicht mehr in die Taskleiste minimieren. Ansonsten sind mir keine Fehler aufgefallen.

AMD Athlon @1200Mhz, MSI K7T Turbo, 40 GB und 120 GB von Maxtor, 2x 256MB SDRRAM, ATI Radeon 8500, Win XP Prof.

MadeinChina ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2003, 22:39   #4
Board Profi
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.014
Standard: eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004] Lösung: eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004]


Ist sowas erlaubt:

o *Mods with Fake Rank kicken

Ich Dachte di Kick Funktion ist verpöhnt ?????
stern ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2003, 23:09   #5
Board Methusalem
Registriert seit: 13.02.2003
Beiträge: 3.315
Standard: eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004] eMule 0.41b.29 eF-Mod 0.9a1 [22.02.2004] [gelöst]

aber fake rank funktion ist wohl einiges schlimmer.. die dann nur zu kicken ist ja gar nix.. eigentlich werden leecher ja gebannt und meines wissens haben nur leecher mods das fake rank feature.

btw editier mal bitte deine sig.. auf deiner tollen seite ist überhaupt nix bezüglich overnet.
burner ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2003, 23:11   #6
Board-Äffchen !
Benutzerbild von NaP
Registriert seit: 18.01.2003
Beiträge: 1.563

da es im off. forum toliert wird, und wir uns an denen orientieren, haben auch wir nix dagegen
NaP ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2003, 23:15   #7
Board Profi
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 1.014


Ja das ist mir klar nur wer will mir denn weis machen das da nicht auch ander gekickt werden können ?

z.B.: jemand der bei mir immer wieder Download Bekommt nach Punkte nur ich nicht genu von ihm ?

Ne Junge da ist was faul drann.

Dann sollte er das so machen das keiner ausser das Programm selber diese Fake erkennt und kickt und dann auch nur so das keine unschuldiegen gekickt werden.
stern ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12. November 2003, 23:59   #8
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

Frage ist ja: woraus gekickt ? aus der upload- oder downloadqueue ?

Nächste Frage ist: wie kann man einen Fakerank erkennen ? Klar, mein Mod gibt Leechern immer den Fakerank 69, doch richtige Leecher faken wesentlich geschickter.

Vielleicht kann uns emulefan mal aufklären !?
Xman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. November 2003, 07:10   #9
Registriert seit: 22.04.2003
Beiträge: 217

Du hast echt FakeRank in deinem Mod?
Im Offiziellen Forum wird diese Funktion nicht gern gesehen, das läuft unter Leecherfunktion. Habe darüber mal mit Ornis+ gesprochen.

Und ein stabiler Fake Rank (in deinem Fall anscheinend 69) kann eh leicht entdeckt und gekickt werden.

Zu der geplanten Funktion "Fake Rank Mods kicken":
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Funktion, die leechern das leben schwer machen soll und sie ist 100% erlaubt!
Die leecherprotection ist ja auch erlaubt, ja sogar erwünscht. Da aber immer wieder Leecher neue Tricks entwickeln um die Leecherprotection zu umgehen werde ich FakeRank Mods kicken einfügen.
Somit wird jeder mod automatisches aus dem Upload/aus der Queue gekickt der die Leecherfunktion "Fake Rank" drin hat.

Dies geschieht völlig automatisch und diese Funktion ist laut der eMule Entwickler auch i.Ordnung (Warum auch nicht, ist ja nur gegen Leecher).
Hier kann also niemand irgendwelche anderen Mods kicken und es wird auch kein Mod ohne diese Funktion gekickt.

Und wie bereits gesagt ist "FakeRank" lt. der Devs eine Leecherfunktion und somit darf man die ja wohl kicken, wird in der Leecherprotection ja auch gemacht.

Ich hoffe ihr habt jetzt verstanden worum es bei der Funktion geht. Allerdings ist sie noch "in work" wie ihr am Changelog sehen könnt.

Also bitte keine Panik, mein Mod hält sich an alle Regeln der eMule Entwickler und das wird auch so bleiben.

Auf ein fröhliches saugen.

eMulefan83 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. November 2003, 09:34   #10
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

FakeRanks bekommen nur erkannte Leecher zugeschickt. Der Codepart ist aus dem Morph übernommen.

Wie Du einen Fakerank erkennst hast Du allerdings nun nicht erklärt. Nun ja, werd ich wohl warten müssen bis Du es implementiert hast
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Alt 13. November 2003, 12:23   #11
Registriert seit: 22.04.2003
Beiträge: 217

Hast ICQ?
Dann können wir ja mal drüber plaudern.
Auf jedenfall ist mein Mod total regelkonform.
eMulefan83 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13. November 2003, 13:29   #12
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

ICQ ist momentan nur im anderen Betriebsystem installiert. Bin also nicht mehr erreichbar. Aber Du kannst mich gerne über PM aufklären
Xman ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. November 2003, 07:01   #13
Registriert seit: 22.04.2003
Beiträge: 217


Über ICQ wär das eindeutig besser, aber ich schick dir am WE halt ne pn.
eMulefan83 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. November 2003, 17:59   #14
Board Methusalem
Benutzerbild von Januar1956
Registriert seit: 08.06.2003
Beiträge: 2.096


Ich weiss nicht was ich falsch mache, aber ich bekomm weder den Pawcio
noch Deinen so richtig zum rennen.
Liegts an meinem Router, oder bin schlicht zu blöd die Einstellungen zu setzen ?
Trotzdem habe ich in 16 Stunden ~ 600 MB uppen und fast 800 loaden können.
Also so Übel ist es dann auch wieder nicht.
Dein MOD lief ansonsten absolut ohne Zicken.

Januar1956 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14. November 2003, 18:30   #15
Registriert seit: 07.03.2003
Beiträge: 452

Januar1956, der Pawico läuft bei mir supper und pawico ist der einzigste mod wo ich einen supper upload habe. Ich gehe über einen Linux Router.
hackersondope2002 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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  11. eMule v0.41b.29 Kademlia Public Test
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