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Popolo 26. September 2006 17:18

Hi (and sorry i don´t speak english well) i´m ussing 5.3b1 and i have a dude. When i put a file to download i can often see guy with full queue or i´m in 34503 place... so i wish to leave from this queue, at least for them that are full, so i use the drop NNS or FullQ manually, but it will be possible to add this option in the scheduler i.e. Drop NNS -> Frecuency (in minutes) 60.

Hi to all,thx.

Xman 26. September 2006 17:28

if your hardlimit is reached, emule drops automatically such sources. If your hardlimit isnt reached, there is no reason to drop it.

Popolo 26. September 2006 17:41

Opps, i don´t understand exactly what you want to say, i have a global source limit of 7000 (less than hardlimit i think) and 7000 sources, when i use Drop manually sources down...(great discover xD) and i want to do this auto. You are trying to say me that emule does it itself? Even if my global source limit is less than hardlimit?

Sorry for my english and my ignorance.

Xman 26. September 2006 18:15

don´t mix up the hardlimit with the global source limit. please have a look at the emule documentation about hardlimit.

Wilhito 28. September 2006 21:55

Stalled! Reading from disk
During uploads to people I see it sayd Stalled! Reading from disk...

What does this mean? I have noticed this one person cannot download from me. I restarted the mod. It then allows him to download, then stops allowing him. It says this Stalled! readin from disk everytime.

I switched to NetF Warp 47c .0.2b and he can communicate properly with me. I switch back to 5.2.2 and/or 5.3 and the problem happens again.

I have seen it do this to other people, who I dont know, and it failes the same. I wonder how much faster my downloads could be if I could build credits with them.

The clients they use are various. 46c MorphXT 7.3, 47a standard, 47a Xtreme 5.something.

I have plenty of connections available. This happens whether my bandwidth is staturated or not. PLease help.

Xman 28. September 2006 23:37

good question. I never saw such a thing. Does the verbose log provide any information ?

Wilhito 29. September 2006 00:54

The verbose log says nothing. Just IP filtering and such. I looked through the whole thing for any indications. I can successfully download from these people as well. Consistantly. The only thing I saw that was the same between these users was that all of them have been 47a and lower. Also, Spain and France seem to be only failures. Doesn't matter which server.

When these users stall out in my upload queue, they can continue to upload to me, but they disappear from the waiting queue for a longer period of time than most.

I have disabled the IP filter. No fix. I disabled the leecher mod. It continues to catch leechers anyway (judging by my log) I then deleted the antileecher file. Leechers are still caught?

I really dont want to switch to another mod. I like this, but I am getting complaints from people to switch to another mod. This is a clean install BTW.

Ok someone from Turkey just failed so can't be country related.

I have switched to Viper 6.2. No stalled! reading from disk status. I switched to NetF Warp 2b. I witness one stalled! reading from disk....it resolved within seconds and transferred. I installed ScarAngel 47c 1.5.... it stalled about 50% less than Xtreme. ScarAngel seemed like it took longer to fill the waiting queue and longer fill requests to upload.

Xman 29. September 2006 07:19

the problem is: I don´t find anything at the code which can cause this problem. And you are the first person who tell about such an issue.
The code hasn´t changed from 5.2.2 to 5.3. Only the Status "stalled.." has been added, which is displayed when there isn´t any data yet loaded for the client.
The code from scarangel and Xtreme is the same.. because scarngel is based on Xtreme and only has some Addons.

What you can try:
- make a clean install... I mean absolutely clean... extract the xtreme-rar-file to any folder and start it. Set only the proper uploadlimit, but not too high. Copy 1-2 files to the incoming directory and share it. Don´t touch any other options.

- if this doesn´t help you can try out some previous version of Xtreme like 5.2.2, 5.1.2, 5.0.1. Do they all have the same problem ? (you don´t see the "stalled"-string, but you see if you can upload to your special clients)

Naugas 29. September 2006 22:11

Hi! Are there any advantages/disadvantages with raising the upload slot speed? I put it at max - 9.5, simply because it feels better to upload to fewer people at a time but faster, but maybe that's bad from a technical point of view?

Xman 29. September 2006 22:37

from the technical point of few, there is really no difference if you use a higher or lower slotspeed.. it´s up to you. There is only one aspect you must care of:
there are many clients out there which are throttled by ISP and/or have a very bad configuration. If you have one or more of this clients at your upload, Xtreme increases the amount of slots itself. Nevertheless, if you have too many of them and Xtreme has to increase the amount of slots too often and drops slower clients it asumes that it is a problem of your settings and stops the droping of too slow clients. (and you get a warning).

in general you can set the slotspeed as high as you want. If you see, that most of your clients can´t take this speed (high blocking rate) it´s better to decrease the slotspeed.

Puma99 30. September 2006 11:10

Greetings everyone...

This is my 1st post and sadly with a very bad question:

I just installed eXtreme 5.3 and my anti-spyware prog (Prevx1) identified the mod as malware...

Help or ideas anyone? Xman?


Xman 30. September 2006 11:44

that´s obvious a false alarm.

miarka 1. October 2006 09:13

Hello everybody,I need your help.I used Xtreme 5.2.2 and yesterday a I downloaded 5.3.Now I have problem with connection.When I launch eMule connect to server,start downloading-I cannont browse websites.It is like,when I am not connect to internet,ICQ same problem,but Outlook Express is fine,I can write and recieve e-mails.With older version I didnt have this problem.What can be wrong?Some settings?Thank you for your help.

Xman 1. October 2006 10:05

check you half open connections, connections per 5 seconds and your uploadspeed. Try to lower this values a bit.

Naugas 1. October 2006 10:28

I'm getting loads of messages like these:

2006-10-01 11:06:39: ERROR while saving part file: 046.part.met (<filename>) - Permission denied
2006-10-01 11:07:14: ERROR while saving part file: 046.part.met (<filename>) - Permission denied
2006-10-01 11:09:05: ERROR while saving part file: 046.part.met (<filename>) - Permission denied

There's a few hundreds of these. Seems like there are messages for every file I'm downloading, but I haven't checked. I have "safe .met/.dat writing" on "Always". Looking at the timestamps for the files they do get updated, the time is changing.

Also, I have some feature requests - 1: to be able to add downloads in paused mode when right-clicking a file in search. (And the option to _always_ add in paused mode doesn't seem to work?)
2: having a log message when adding a file the server reported no complete copies for.

edit: when looking at the file activity and error messages, it seems like the .part.met file is removed/deleted when the error appears. Then a .part.met.bak and a .part.met.backup file is being created. After that a new .part.met file is created some time later.

Xman 1. October 2006 11:43

do let run emule as unprivileged user ? The error message says that emule doesn´t have the needed permessions. You have to give it!


1: to be able to add downloads in paused mode when right-clicking a file in search. (And the option to _always_ add in paused mode doesn't seem to work?)
it works like in official emule... which is truely a bit confusing. You first have to enable the advanced controls at the extended settings.. then it works like you want.


2: having a log message when adding a file the server reported no complete copies for.
why ? You see this already at the search results.. with red colour and at the %complete coloumn.

Naugas 1. October 2006 14:42

Hi! Thanks for your answers! I'm not running it as an unprivileged user, not enabling it in the security settings or in any other way. Just starting it normally only under my login which has admin rights.

Yes, the "advanced settings" were a bit confusing, I didn't know it existed. I'm glad that adding in paused mode works now anyway!

And that little warning have proven useful for me. Several times I have simply missed that there were no complete copies of files, but that log message made me aware of it. It's not essential in any way, but it's a small thing that helps out sometimes.

edit: I suspect the errors have something to do with enabling safe .met/.dat writing. Try it yourself and see if they start to show.

qtarantino 2. October 2006 03:11

i have installed the last version of Xtreme, and i can´t connect to KAD

i get back to 5.2.2 and it connects with out problem

any suggestion?

Xman 2. October 2006 06:49

check out your ports... if you did a clean install with 0.47c, emule choose random ports.
If the ports are right... connect to a server.. wait until you found some other clients and then boostrap.

turtle555 2. October 2006 09:04

Hi guys, does Xtreme Mod have a feature to ban uploads like Duzzle or First Element have?

Xman 2. October 2006 09:31

no, because this is a leecher-feature and therefore not allowed

turtle555 2. October 2006 09:34

thanks Xman, I'm most concerned with security of p2p, whats best Xman version for such a freak like me would be?

Leoberos 2. October 2006 16:29

I'm wondering something about the protocol obfuscation on emule xtreme 5.3
is it activated by default ? because I can't find any button or onything to enable/disable it...

Thanks you.

aalerich 2. October 2006 16:58

"Options" --> "Security" --> "Protocol Obfuscation"

Kind Regards

Xman 2. October 2006 17:34

the support for obfuscation is enabled by default... which means, clients which need obfuscation get a obfuscated connecten.. other clients get a normal connection.
If you are throttled by your ISP you should enable it like aalerich said... then you get an obfuscated connection to all clients which support it.

Leoberos 2. October 2006 17:44

Thanks a lot
I haven't seen ^^

Bladedance 3. October 2006 15:09

Anti-leecher bug?
I installed Xtreme Emule 5.3 (from X.official site) on my office computer and tried to download some files from my home computer (also running Xtreme 5.3). When I returned home I saw a message under the Leecher-Messages tab:

03-Oct-06 10:40:23: Banned: Userhash invalid; xx.xx.xxx.xx 'MyOfficeName[!xmn] «Xtreme 5.3»' (eMule v0.47c [Xtreme 5.3],None/None/None)

What might this be? A bug? :)

aalerich 3. October 2006 16:17

Close your office-mule, go to the config-folder and delete the files "preferences.dat" and "cryptkey.dat". Restart it. This should fix this problem.

Kind Regards

Xman 3. October 2006 16:25

aalerich.. what tips you are giving ?

This log message only means there is any client (leecher) which use you name and tries to steal you userhash.. this client got banned.
Everything ok.

utd 3. October 2006 20:56

xtreme settings

can you help me setting up my options in xtreme emule 5.3 to get high download speed or give me a guide


Xman 3. October 2006 21:48

have a look at eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News... there are many infos how to get a high id.

Bladedance 3. October 2006 22:27

Thanx for the tip, aalerich. Will try to do it tomorrow.

Xman, thanx for the reply.

First, i'd like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Xman and all the Xtreme team for making this great mod.
I actually liked it so much that a while ago I wrote an entry about Xtreme mod in the filesharing-web emule wiki, available here:

www.filesharing|web.de/mediaWiki/index.php/English:eXtreme (remove the | character)

No wonder I install it everywhere I go - be it home or work. :) Cheers from Russia, guys!

It's hard to conceive, though, how a leecher could possibly imitate my *office emule client* to my *home computer client* - with their user name and ip different. More probable to me, it's the overzealous anti-leecher component somehow blocking the connection of valid clients (which might be a frustrating bug, especially when downloading rare files). I hope you can take another look at the hash validation function to see if it's bug-free.

Tomorrow, in my office I will try to download from my home emule again and see if the problem persists.

Xman 3. October 2006 23:04

ok.. now I think I got what you want to tell me...

The advise from aalerich isn´t wrong.. but you must know one thing:
whenever you change your userhash/cryptkey but keep your IP, you will get banned from all emules (not only mods). So, before you change it (by deleting preferences.dat/crypkey.dat) you have either to change your ip... or wait at least 2 hours, until all the clients have deleted you.
Or even better: don´t conect to your home pc with two different userhashes but restart it bevore you want to connect with a new userhash.


More probable to me, it's the overzealous anti-leecher component somehow blocking the connection of valid clients (which might be a frustrating bug, especially when downloading rare files
never got such a report until know.. and never saw a wrong banning. Can you give me an example ?

Bladedance 3. October 2006 23:32


Zitat von Xman
whenever you change your userhash/cryptkey but keep your IP, you will get banned from all emules (not only mods). So, before you change it (by deleting preferences.dat/crypkey.dat) you have either to change your ip... or wait at least 2 hours, until all the clients have deleted you.

Is it possible that the problem was caused by the fact that I was running two emule clients simultaneously (one of which was copied from the other) on two computers in my office? Both of them were trying to download from my home emule. They have different user names but possibly the same ip (i'll check on it tomorrow).

Naugas 3. October 2006 23:34

Hi Xman, have you looked that "always safe .met/.dat writing"-thing that gives heapes of errors? Is it only me it happens for?

"2006-10-01 11:06:39: ERROR while saving part file: 046.part.met (<filename>) - Permission denied" and hundreds more...

It's not because eMule's running as an unpriviledged user as I answered on the previous page, post 217.

Wilhito 4. October 2006 03:54


I reinstalled 5.2.2 and 5.3. Both in brand new directories. Still getting Stalled! Reading from disk on clients. It can be reproduced with various people. I have given up on the mod and went elsewhere. Been working on this for 3 weeks now to no avail. ScarAngel 1.5 was about 50% better with this error. Different people were saying my queue was full on their side. All Xtreme based mods have this issue. When I switch back to official and non-Xtreme based this problem goes away. I don't know and I give up.

Xman 4. October 2006 06:56

yes.. now you found the reason. That´s what I said here:

This log message only means there is any client (leecher) which use you name and tries to steal you userhash.. this client got banned.
the username plays no rule. But one client tried to steal the credits of the other client->ban.
If you let run 2 emules at your office you must choose different ports and different userhashes.

I can´t help you.. because the errormessage is quite clear... emule doesn´t have the right permissions. You have to check it out and evetually reasign the permissions to the temp-folder.

as I already said... scarangel has the same code as Xtreme... and nobody I know, could reproduce this problem. Is it related to a special file ? Maybe a very small or very big one ? Is the file you try to upload a complete file or a file your are downloading ? Does morph (8.14 or 9.0) work ? Which Xtreme-version was the first one where the problem began ? I need more infos.

Naugas 4. October 2006 12:25


Zitat von Xman
I can´t help you.. because the errormessage is quite clear... emule doesn´t have the right permissions. You have to check it out and evetually reasign the permissions to the temp-folder.

But it does access and write the files correctly at _all_other_times_, only not when enabling safe .met/.dat writing. And even then the files do get updated (the timestamp changes, as I said previously). And eMule is running under admin rights, and there's no restriction in access to the Temp folder or the files in it, so I can't see how that would be the problem?

Xman 4. October 2006 13:10

did you try official emule ? If you have the same problems with it you can post a support request at emule-project. I´m sure there are users who can help you better than me.

Naugas 4. October 2006 15:45

Hmm, yes, I'll try the official version. Looking at a help post in the official forum, they have a list of files to backup and transfer when changing installation. Are moving these enough, or are there any other files in the Xtreme installation that should be moved also?

The files mentioned:
  • Adresses.dat
  • Category.ini
  • Clients.met,
  • Clients.met.bak
  • Cryptkey.dat
  • Emfriends.met
  • Ipfilter.dat
  • Known.met
  • Known2.met
  • Preference.dat
  • Preferences.ini
  • Server.met
  • Sharedir.dat
  • Statistics.ini
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