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Alt 14. July 2007, 01:28   #1
Benutzerbild von Spike2
Registriert seit: 23.03.2007
Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26
MOD Releases: eMule 0.48a Spike2 1.2 [18.09.07] Problem: eMule 0.48a Spike2 1.2 [18.09.07]

Hallo allerseits

Triri, trara, ein neues Release ist da !!

Schon wieder ist das letzte Release bald 2 Monate her... Zeit für ein Neues !
Nachdem die letzte Fassung ja nur eine "Interims Version" war, gibt es diesmal ein Release vollgepackt mit neuen Features, die nahezu alle ein Feature Request waren... SCC, MassRename, Automatische IP-Filter-Updates, "Wasserstand", AutoHL, usw.
Kurz & gut : Viel Spaß mit dem neuen Release !!

Spike2 1.2
-->NOTE: As people often mix things up, here I state it once and for all: Spike2-Mod IS NOT based on the ***********-Mod. The
***********-Mod IS NOT based on Spike2-Mod, either...!
ADDED : Added more AICH security checks and request AICH hashes only in case we don't have a valid hash, yet (by WiZaRd, from
the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : Added PaddingLength to Extended preferences (Xman)
ADDED : Addon-Directory (by Shadow/WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod) -> Readded !!
ADDED : Automatic IPfilter-updates, incl. Update via ed2k (by Morph, WiZaRd and Shadow2004 - taken from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : Automatic Shared files updater (by MoNKi, taken from ScarAngel)
ADDED : Better passive source finding (by Xman, taken from X-Ray)
ADDED : Cache UDP Search Results (by Slugfiller, taken from X-Ray)
ADDED : CompatClientStats (is a nice AddOn to my EnhancedClientRecognization, by Stulle, taken from X-Ray)
ADDED : Copy feedback to clipboard (by WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod // requested by Teac2, vannelle, Crimson and many others)
ADDED : Don't overwrite .bak-files (by Xman, taken from X-Ray)
ADDED : Don't send empty directorys (by WiZaRd from the ***********-Mod)
ADDED : Extra-UserInfos in UploadListCtrl (from MorphXT)
ADDED : HashProgress (O2, taken from X-Ray)
ADDED : Inform queued clients after IP/ID-change (by Stulle, taken from StulleMule; modified by Spike2 to work without "Optimization
ADDED : LinearPriority (as part of SCC, by MoNKi, modified by Stulle and taken from ScarAngel)
ADDED : MassRename (from Morph, taken from ScarAngel // requested by Crimson)
ADDED : OnlineSig-Optimization (by JvA)
ADDED : Queued flush threads (by Xman, taken from X-Ray)
ADDED : Part-completion speedup (by BlueSonicBoy, taken from X-Ray-Mod)
ADDED : SCC - Smart Category Control (by khaos, SiRoB and Stulle, taken from ScarAngel // requested by Crimson and TreviSyn)
ADDED : Simple CleanUp (MorphXT, taken from ScarAngel - added as part of MassRename)
ADDED : WiZaRd's AutoHL (=AutoHardLimit, taken from the ***********-Mod, Thanx @ WiZaRd for pointing out my stupid typos in the prefs !)
BUGFIX : AICHSyncThread - prevent crash when shutting down (by Xman)
BUGFIX : As usual many small optimizations from various mods (i.e. Morph, ***********, X-Ray, Xtreme ...)
BUGFIX : Changed some functions in otherfunctions.cpp (by WiZaRd from the ***********-Mod)
BUGFIX : CheckDiskSpace-Fix (by Slugfiller, taken from X-Ray)
BUGFIX : CorruptionBlackBox-Fix (by Xanatos, taken from ScarAngel)
BUGFIX : CrashFix in sockets.cpp (by Maella, taken from X-Ray)
BUGFIX : Do not ask exit from command prompt (by XMan)
BUGFIX : DoubleLucas (by Slugfiller, taken from X-Ray)
BUGFIX : FixConnectionCollision - added some more code (taken from X-Ray)
BUGFIX : (Hopefully) Fixed SourceCache (thanx to JvA)
BUGFIX : IP2country small fixes (by WiZaRd)
BUGFIX : Loop-improvement in CListenSocket:rocess (taken from X-Ray, original by WiZaRd)
BUGFIX : Optimization in DownloadQueue (by WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod)
BUGFIX : PeerCache-Bugfix in StatisticsDlg (by Xman)
BUGFIX : Quickfix against division through zero in Taskbar Notifier (Xman)
BUGFIX : Reload shared files on filenotfound exception (Xman)
BUGFIX : SafeHash compatibility fix in KnownFile (by Xman)
CHANGED: eMulePlus is informed instead of reasked after IP-change, too (Spike2 - I read e+-sources and saw that they can handle an
"inform", too - so we can save the reask here!)
CHANGED: Rearranged the Mod-Prefs (Spike2)
CHANGED: ULS - removed typo (thanx to trax69)
UPDATED: Dynamic Block Requests (some changes, partly due to PartCompletionSpeedUp, taken from X-Ray / Original by netfinity &
UPDATED: Major update of the SLS-code (by WiZaRd, taken from the ***********-Mod)
UPDATED: Some small changes in ReadBlockFromFileThread (by SiRoB, taken from X-Ray)
UPDATED: TabbedPrefs (Original by TPT, taken from X-Ray-Mod) to "Reworked TabbedPrefs" by shadow2004 (from the ***********-Mod)
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Free file hosting - Files upload - Max 1 GB per file via FTP, 300 MB via HTTP, Subdomain, FTP access, the fastest 1-click free file-hoster

Viel Spaß mit der neuen Version !

PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod

Geändert von Spike2 (18. September 2007 um 20:56 Uhr)
Spike2 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15. July 2007, 10:05   #2
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

super. schön wieder was von dir zu hören! und lass dich ruhig auch mal im icq schießen!

Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
Stulle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. September 2007, 20:36   #3
Benutzerbild von Spike2
Registriert seit: 23.03.2007
Ort: im hohen Norden :)
Beiträge: 26
Standard: eMule 0.48a Spike2 1.2 [18.09.07] eMule 0.48a Spike2 1.2 [18.09.07] Details

@Stulle: Bin im Moment zeitlich voll ausgeplant, weiß gar nicht, wie ich es überhaupt noch geschafft habe, die neue Version zusammenzuzimmern... ich meld' mich aber mal bei Dir im ICQ. Sonst bin ich auch immer ganz gut per PN hier oder auf EMF zu kriegen

PowerShare / 2 AntiLeechSys / IP2Country / emulate other
....and many, many other things !
eMule Spike2-Mod

Geändert von Spike2 (18. September 2007 um 20:54 Uhr)
Spike2 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18. September 2007, 21:30   #4
Benutzerbild von Stulle
Registriert seit: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 7.035

Standard: eMule 0.48a Spike2 1.2 [18.09.07] Lösung: eMule 0.48a Spike2 1.2 [18.09.07]

ich hoffe du hast die letzte version des ASFU, sonst gibbet nur ärger und crashes...

danke für deine arbeit schön auch zu sehen, wieviel code an dem ich gearbeitet hab in die mod gekommen is
Here comes the Kaiser Von Shizer! Oufweidersehen. with Hanzel und Gretyl

Ja, ich bin Misanthrop!
Stulle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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