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Alt 31. March 2006, 11:33   #1
Registriert seit: 31.03.2006
Beiträge: 1
Standard: Speedport W 500V passwort? Problem: Speedport W 500V passwort?


i don't speak german!
i am visiting an american friend for a month
and she has DSL service with T Com.
the router is a Speedport W 500V.

i'm trying to change the router settings to open
ports for eMule. the router's default password is '0000'.
this does not work!

does anyone know of any other passworts?

i don't speak german and hers is not very good so
i don't think i could call T Com to find out.

if you could also send a reply to my email
i would greatly appreciate it!

many thanx!
tchuss... sirdemon
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Alt 31. March 2006, 12:28   #2
Benutzerbild von Sorrow
Registriert seit: 15.05.2005
Ort: Dschungel von Palumbien
Beiträge: 2.099

...try to reset the router...
...so the old password will work...

greetz Sorrow

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Alt 31. March 2006, 12:31   #3
The Machine =)
Benutzerbild von Pathfinder
Registriert seit: 19.08.2003
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Standard: Speedport W 500V passwort? Speedport W 500V passwort? Details

Hi there, sirdemon!

Try a hard reset of the router. This should clear all settings, including the password. You should then be able to access it again with the default password '0000'.

To do this you have to switch off the router and then stick a small pin into the little hole on the back of the router located between the LAN and the DSL connector. Switch the main power button back on while holding the reset button. Hold it for for 3 seconds to clear the settings. Beware, you'll have to reenter everything, including the T-Online account data, so be prepared.

//edit: Too slow but more detailed

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