Here it is
Morph by Degus,Yun.sf´3,caster troy,Roman2k & Morpheus!
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News: Roman2k joined Emule Morph Team!
Changelog for Emule 27c Morph V3b [08.04.2003]
Added zegav's fix to avoid Multiple Hashing Of Same File At Reload [Yun.SF3]
Fixed Set Resume Order [Yun.SF3]
Changelog for Emule 27c Morph V3a [07.04.2003]
Added Khaos Stats! [MoRpHeUs]
Added Khaos Download Managaer [MoRpHeUs]
Added Support to run mulitple instances (khaos) [MoRpHeUs]
Fixed Emule Icon, its the Normal again [MoRpHeUs]
Fix for Op_change_client_id 0x4d, for incoming request only by Maella [Morpheus]
Fixed BloodyMad's queue system to be more credit-system Friendly [Yun.SF3]
Fixed category loading [Yun.SF3]
Fixed popping Yes/No window [Yun.SF3]
Fixed root sharing [Yun.SF3]
Fixed Design Loading Problem [Yun.sf3]
Updated Anti Credit Theft from lovelace, clients.met is now compatible with the official one [Yun.SF3]
Added bluecow code to get sources via global search [Yun.SF3]
Added back values for Queue Size and File Buffer in Tweaks [Yun.SF3]
Added ICS and L2HAC from eDEV [Yun.SF3]
Added complete sources column by zegav [Yun.SF3]
Added MultiSorting from Slugfiller [Yun.SF3]
Fixed columns loading (Thanks a lot to Killdozer) [Yun.SF3]
Changelog for Emule 27c Morph V2a [25.03.2002]
Updated Codebae to 27c!
Added Anti Friend Sharing Patch by Vorlost [MoRpHeUs]
Added 2gb Fix by Mrfabaer [MoRpHeUs]
Added Hybrid's Op_end_of_download by bluecow [MoRpHeUs]
Fixed Anti CreditTheft [Yun.SF3]
Added Proxy Support by Castor Troy/Maverick [Castor Troy]
Added BloodyMad's One-Queue-Per-File System [Yun.SF3]
Added reconnect on LowID [Yun.SF3]
Changelog for Emule 27a Morph V1c [20.03.2002]
Little Changes etc [MoRpHeUs]
Readded Webserver [Degus] Scroll down for webs. changelog!
Fixed and updated A4AF [Yun.sf3]
Updated SUC to Version 2 by lovelace [Yun.sf3]
Added Anticredit theft [Yun.sf3]
Webserver Changelog: [DeGus]
- Serverview finished
- Basic functions in transferview finished
- Searchview supports websearch and adding new ed2k links
- Listelements support sort, resize columnwidth, hide columns, contentmenus
- Intrusion detection
- Login now supports cookies
- Mod features in transferview added
- Views don't need any reload anymore
- Persistens in view changes
- preferences added
Changelog for Emule 27a Morph V1b [19.03.2002]
Fixed bug in Lancast, it works now

Fixed bug in A4AF [Yun.sf3]
Fixed bug when completing files [Yun.sf3]
Changelog for Emule 27a Morph V1a [18.03.2002]
This Version is fully new! Delete Old Changelogs!
Added fake nick/port handling (vorlost) [MoRpHeUs]
Added A4AF (enkeydev/sivka) [Yun.sf3]
Added Max Upload Slots [Yun.sf3]
Added Own Dialog in prefs for own things! [Morpheus]
Added Suc (lovelace) [Yun.sf3]
Added Set Max upload slots [Yun.sf3]
Added Load and Save Sources by ottavio84 [MoRpHeUs]
Added Version Tag for Mods in Downloadlist and UploadList by LSD [MoRpHeUs]
Added Sorting by Mod Name (Lsd) [MoRpHeUs]
Added Lancast by MooseTea [MoRpHeUs]
Added Button to enable/disable Lancast in prefs [MoRpHeUs]
Added Community Sharing [MoRpHeUs]
Fixed bug while emule crashes when completing [Yun.sf3]

a lot of other little things....