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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 20. May 2003, 08:02   #1
Registriert seit: 04.03.2003
Beiträge: 21
Standard: eMule 0.27c [bloodymad 0.4.preview] {20.05.03} Problem: eMule 0.27c [bloodymad 0.4.preview] {20.05.03}

Quick feature overview
  • New: Fix of the "An attempt was made to access an unnamed file..." bug [by jicxicmic]
    A real fix for this bug of the base client.
  • One-Queue-Per-File
    Fair chances for rare files
    Improved: Better handling of LowID-Clients, friend-slots fixed
  • Reserved release slots
    Give some of your slots exclusively to release files.
  • Estimated queuing time
    For clients in the upload queue a estimated waiting time is calculated.
    Improved: Estimation gets faster accurate [in development, needs work and maybe has bugs]
  • Auto-nick-naming
    Don't be annoyed by thousands of http://emule-project.net/ clients.
  • Mod Version Identification
    You will now see if you are connected to another client using this mod
    Improved: Lots of other mods are now also recognized
  • Coutermessures against a leeching mod [by Vorlost]
    Downscoring of clients that use a popular german community leeching mod.
  • Mod feature recognition (interesting for developers)
    System to identify mod features
  • Developer tools
    diff2html, bbcode2html
  • Warning: Source code not well documented
    Better wait for final 0.4 if you want tags for all changes in the sources


Things you really should know before you use it (same as last version):
  • "Try to upload full chunks" is required by the mod. The mod will enable this if you haven't already done so.
  • The old "Release" priority is now called "Very high". The new "Release" is something special.

If you want to test the release slots feature, try the edonkey download, I have it on release priority (of course only working well if i'm online...)

More about the features

For more about the old features please see the posting for bloodymad 0.3 (at emule-project.net) or the included releasenotes (releasenotes.html).

Minor changes
  • Bug with friend slots fixed
  • Releases get not more that 80% of the slots
  • LowID clients get fair treatment (can sometimes lead to some more upload slots than expected. Should work best with dynamic upload system)
  • More mods are recognized and their names are displayed

What about base client version 0.28b?

This will come in a few days, depending how much time I have.

Viel Spass damit!
bloodymad ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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