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eMule MODs - Allgemein Alles zu den eMule-MODs, die unsere Anforderungen für 'saubere' MODs erfüllen.

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Alt 9. July 2003, 22:38   #76
Registriert seit: 09.07.2003
Beiträge: 3

Hi alle zusammen.
bis jetzt habe ich schon viele "best of" einstellungen gelesen aber ich wurde mit keine so richtig glücklich!
hab jetzt vom wunder mod fusion gehört und habs gleich gezogen. (neuste version natürlich)
so, mit dem dl speed bin ich aber immer noch nicht zufrieden.
ich möchte jetzt mal bitte wenigstens einen "gleichgesinnten" finden der mir seine "perfekten" einstellungen postet!!!
also mein system ist:
BS: Windows xp
2,6 GHZ
DSL Flat von Telekom

bitte keine antworten mit: benutze mal suchoption oder siehe Thread bla bla bla
hab ich getan

Gruß Seb
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Alt 10. July 2003, 20:05   #77
Benutzerbild von winki2099
Registriert seit: 08.12.2002
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Zitat von sebiks
bitte keine antworten mit: benutze mal suchoption oder siehe Thread bla bla bla
hab ich getan
Gruß Seb
dann hast du auch sicher gesehen, dass es keine "perfekten" einstellungen gibt. die, die ich habe, mit denen bin ich zufrieden, bei anderen funktionieren die überhaupt nicht.
du musst deine einstellungen selber herausfinden oder den emule mal ein paar tage in ruhe lassen. ständiges rumstellen hilft nämlich nicht weiter, genausowenig wie dauernd andere versionen probieren. nimm einen mod, der dir von den funktionenen her zusagt, nimm ein mittelmass der einstellungen, die du hier auf dem board findest und lass den emule mal ne weile in ruhe. der emule ist kein downloadmanager.

Windows is great. I used it to download Linux.
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Alt 5. August 2003, 15:21   #78
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

so gute Nachrichten:
Es gibt bald eine neue Version. Diese wird dann allerdings einen anderen Namen tragen.
Vom offiziellen Board:
Hello Everyone,
I have some good news . My self & StatiK has been busy working on a new version. We have decided not to call it FusioN but to give it a new name . We are at the stage where we will release a beta version soon. We have added most of the new functionalities out there & have tweaked loads of other stuff. Our new website will be up & running soon as well. I am sure this new version will be worth the wait & will live up to the expectation of all the FusioN mod lovers

We inturn would like to get some feedback from users as to what are the most important functions that the new mod should have & what other functions would be nice to have. So please feel free to put your views forward.

So sit tight & wait for the new version

Fusion-Webpage: http://fusion.insomnia-online.net/

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Alt 6. August 2003, 23:48   #79
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Benutzerbild von Mulio
Registriert seit: 12.07.2003
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Na endlich!!!!! Hoffe der mod wird nich wieder sein reinfall wie 29b R7 .Da ich riesiger Fusion fan bin freu ich mich und hoffe das das mal wieder nehn richtiger fusion mode wird!Hat jemand ne adresse wo ich smartdevil paar feature wünsche posten kann?
Saug du Esel!
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Alt 7. August 2003, 00:01   #80
Benutzerbild von Xman
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im offiziellen Forum
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Alt 7. August 2003, 13:40   #81
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Benutzerbild von Mulio
Registriert seit: 12.07.2003
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Mag ja sein das ich ma wieder zu blind bin hab aber bei fusion insoma online forum nix gefunden weder den post noch nen topic wo man vorschläge für neue features machen kann alles nur alter mist über r7(rc2 und andere fusion mods!
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Alt 7. August 2003, 14:50   #82
Benutzerbild von Xman
Registriert seit: 28.03.2003
Beiträge: 5.800

guckst Du hier:

(benötigt aber ne Anmeldung)
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Alt 7. August 2003, 16:17   #83
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Benutzerbild von Mulio
Registriert seit: 12.07.2003
Beiträge: 341

He dank dir mal wieder(wie immer).Werd ihn den nächsten tagen mal verstärlt da reinschauen was sich getan hat bei fusion
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Alt 11. August 2003, 08:51   #84
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

hier mal eine kleine info:
Zitat von smartdevil
We are integrating both SUC2 & ZZUL's new auto shaping system. We willl release beta soon ( in a day or two ) stand:11.08.2003

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15. August 2003, 00:24   #85
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Benutzerbild von Mulio
Registriert seit: 12.07.2003
Beiträge: 341

Schon mal nen vor statment von statik!

muss eigentlich in den nächsten 48 der erste release kommen

<--- (formerly StaTiK) New mod, New name, New site... why not a new nick too? heh

Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements
Not implemented... yet.

Not implemented... yet.

Enhanced Chunk Selection
Already implemented

New Save/load Sources
Already implemented - Modified

Enable/Disable source exchange in preference
Already implemented

Defeat 0-filled Part Senders
Already implemented

(however, please add options to disable this feature either for certain types of files, like CD image files and txt files, or allow the user to manually disable this feature on any individual downloading file) (it is optional)

Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 II
I wrote the original... why would we not include this? lol
Already implemented

(Like in Maella please allow the emule statistics to be expanded based on mods, but please also add a statistic that shows the ratio (or percent) of people using the base emule client (any version) and emule mods (any mod, any version. There is a lot of controversy over exactly how many people are using mods and consequently over how much of an impact any individual feature of a mod can have on the network as a whole)
Already implemented

AntiCrash/AntiFake handling
Already implemented

Accurate measure of bandwidth: IP, TCP or UDP, eDonkey protocol
Already implemented - but not this version

(please also add a new curve in the upload and download graphs showing total bandwidth usage, ie. upload + upload overhead and download + download overhead, as in Maella)
Not implemented... yet. - wasn't even aware of this feature

MTU Configuration
Not implemented... yet. - MSS config is

Small latency
Not implemented... yet.

Other general code fixes/cleanup from Maella
Already implemented - atleast some of them

ZZ SlotFocus: Focus the upload bandwidth to as few upload slots as possible!
Already implemented

ZZ UploadSpeedSense: Automatically finds the best upload speed for your connection!
Already implemented - Choose between SUC2 or USS

ZZ PowerShare: Powershare files without having to unshare any files!
Already implemented

NOT ZZ RareChunkPush: Experimental chunk prioritizing.
Already implemented - OPTIONAL

ZZ FriendSlots: Enhanced co-release/friends functionality!
Already implemented

Overhead traffic is now limited by the upload limit
Already implemented

ZZ LowIDFairness: Be more fair to low ID clients!
Already implemented

All of Khaos new Download Management features
Already implemented

All of Khaos’s Leacher Counter Measures
Already implemented - but not Khaos version

All of Khaos’s new comment saving system system
Not implemented... yet. - will have to make compatible with some of the new comment/rating features we have included

All of Khaos’s A4AF Management:
Not implemented... yet. - too many crashes were linked to this... maybe when he gets all the bugs worked out - used a different method of A4AF

Not implemented... yet. - if you've read the forums, seems like it doesnt work for many (most) people... stuck with SUC2

Lovelace Credit System
Not implemented... yet. - will be adding options to/tweaking credit system in future version

Extended handling for NNS, FQS and HighQRS sources
Already implemented

Variety Release Priorities for Shared files
Not implemented... yet.

This would be a very nice supplement to the powershare feature of the ZZUL system. (Users can choose to give shared release file a 16x,32x,64x,128x, 256x, or 512x boost) (Nice idea)

Check diskspace v1.2(Tag: "SLUGFILLER: checkDiskspace")
I personally have my temp files on a different hard drive than my incoming files directory. I’m not sure if this check works on both the temp and incoming or just the temp. It would be greatly appreciated if this check could be modified to check both temp and incoming drives for space if it doesn’t already do so.
Already implemented

General Bugfixes and Tweaks (for individual fixes see Slugfiller features thread)
Already implemented - many of them anyways

See own credits(Tag: "VQB: ownCredits")
Already implemented

Already implemented

SLUGFILLER: infiniteQueue
Already implemented

Not implemented... yet. - still trying to decide which system to use... will have a poll on the website later

Spread bars v1.2
Already implemented

Safe Hash
Already implemented - but not all of it... just some extensions to what was already included in official code

Not implemented... yet. - still trying to decide which system to use... will have a poll on the website later

A sorting menu in the preferences that allows you to change the way all important lists are sorted
Not implemented... yet. - but we have added dual sort - just by clicking on the column headers

(I absolutely love this feature, this allows me to sort sources for a file, first by the speed their are uploading to me at, and secondly by my QR) (ours does the same (if i'm understanding you correctly)... just don't need prefs for that)

An entry in the statistics which shows how much data you are downloading, how much of it you have downloaded already, and how much space you have left in the temp directory.
Not implemented... yet.


Release Page [Fusion]
Already implemented - of course
Optimized Compile for AMD CPU
Already implemented
Better Time Remaining Calculations Based on Average Download Rate
Already implemented
Quick Drop NNS, FQS buttons [LSD]
Not implemented... yet. - use menu driven options currently

+ MUCH MUCH more... just to name some other features... our back up utility, server editor, changeable views, on and on and on... I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I'm probably shooting myself in the foot here... but release will be tomorrow (8/14/2003). As far as the new name goes... we already decided on one, you'll just have to wait to find out what it is. lol
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Alt 15. August 2003, 05:54   #86
Benutzerbild von cyrex2001
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Beiträge: 2.203

siehe hier!

fragen zu einstellungen und problemen mit emule, einfach hier klicken! danke Xman!
signatur mit Blacklotus Onlinesig erstellt. (dank winki2099 auch mit emule 0.43 funzt)
cyrex2001 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten



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