Hi Leute, hab mich zu nem, sagen wir, Board-Release entschieden. Soll heißen ich tu euch was gutes bevor ich in den Urlaub gehe! Dieses release werde ich persönlich nirgendwo anders selbst veröffentlichen, da mir eigentl. überhaupt die Zeit fehlt irgendetwas zu releasen.
Die sourcen enthalten nur die "wichtigsten" Datein. Um ein komplettes Src Paket zu haben, nehmt die Src der 1.0!
Weiterhin werdet ihr feststellen das die bins lediglich die emule.exe enthält. Selbe verfahrensweise wie bei den Src.
Weiterhin ist dies eine auf 0.45b basierende Variante, da ich wie bereits erwähnt auf das MorphXT Team warte.
eMule v0.45b StulleMule v1.1:
- 11.05.2005 -
based on eMule 0.45b EastShare v9.0 compiled with vs2003
merged to MorphXT 6.7
Added: Custom FunnyNick tag [Stulle]
Added: # of dropped sources tab in transfer wnd (per file) [Stulle]
Added: New option to show in your MSN7 (or above) message field your emule´s speeds [MOnKi/ikabot]
Added: Show overhead on title [Stulle]
Added: 20 minutes auto drop immunity [Stulle]
(after startup and after IP change if ReAsk Src after IP Change active)
Added: draw friends blue [Stulle]
Changed: IDS_PW_RETRIES to IDS_PW_RETRIES_NEW due to changes in this string [Stulle]
Changed: Display of hardlimit in "Sources" tab (transfer wnd) optional [Stulle]
Fixed: hardlimit settings [Stulle]
Fixed: two times "Enable auto drop NNS" in StulleMule pref window [Stulle]
Fixed: Timer for ReAsk File Sources [Stulle]
Fixed: new credit systems [Stulle]
Removed: Peace credits (same as original) [Stulle]
eMule0.45b-StulleMule_v1.1-bin.rar eMule0.45b-StulleMule_v1.1-src.rar
Viel Spaß damit. Schöne Pfingsten.
MFG Stulle
EDIT: rot = vergessen...
Hi Leute,
wie einige von euch vielleicht schon aus dem Devlopment wissen habe ich meine eigene kleine Mod gecodet. Sie ist nun aus den ersten Kinderschuhen raus, also habt viel Spaß mit diesem Release!
eMule v0.45b StulleMule v1.0:
- 22.04.2005 -
based on eMule 0.45b EastShare v9.0 compiled with vs2003
merged to MorphXT 6.7
Added: StulleMule-Preference Window [Stulle]
Added: Sivka-Ban [Sivka/cyrex2001]
Added: Anti-Nick-Thief v2 [WiZaRd]
Added: Push-small-files [Tarod/ eF-Mod]
Added: Push-rare-files [Tarod/ eF-Mod]
Added: Timer for ReAsk File Sources 29-50mins [Stulle/ idea from sivka]
(for HighID users recomended 50mins and for LowID users 29mins)
Added: Funny Nick Tag selection (None/[FN]/[FunnyNick]) [Stulle]
Added: Anti-Friend-Ban [FRTK Evostar]
Added: Anti Uploader Ban (0 = disabled) [Stulle]
Added: ReAsk sourcen after IP change [cyrex2001/ Maella/ idea from Xman]
Added: Spread Request [cyrex2001/ SlugFiller]
Added: QuickStart by TPT [cyrex2001]
Added: QuickStart after IP change by TPT [cyrex2001]
Added: QuickStart return values [Stulle]
Added: WINSOCK2 [darkwolf - eWombat]
Added: A start TTL between 1 and 20 can be specified for USS [emulEspaña]
Added: Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements [Maella]
Added: Spread Credits Slot [Stulle]
Added: More credit systems (Peace, Sivka, S.W.A.T.) [eF-MOD]
Added: Manual drop sources [sivka]
Added: Auto drop sources (NNS, FQS, HQRS) [sivka]
Added: RemoveSourceAndDontAsk (2 - 4h; # of clients in sources tab) [sivka]
Added: sivka file settings dialogue [sivka]
Added: Hardlimit per file [Sivka]
Added: Show source on title [Stulle]
Added: Draw PS files red [Stulle]
Added: Hide ZZ Ratio Activation [Stulle]
Added: Show global HL (in sources tab) [Stulle]
Readded: Bad Nick ban (optional; Anti-Leecher has to be enabled) [Stulle]
Changed: Default Nick [Stulle]
Changed: Improved Buffer Size maximum (7.5Mb) [Stulle]
Changed: Morph-Version-Check for StulleMule [Stulle]
Changed: Wizard-Check after Upgrade for StulleMule [Stulle]
CHanged: ZZ Ratio activation cases [Stulle/cyrex2001]
Changed: ZZ Ratio back to 1:3 [Stulle]
Changed: Side bar banner (thx to Proctore --> original Mule edited) [Stulle]
Changed: Splash banner (thx to Proctore --> original Mule edited) [Stulle]
Changed: Delete dead servers can be disabled [Stulle]
Changed: Show exact max UL queue size in TransferWnd (optional) [Stulle]
Changed: Several setting defaults [Stulle]
Changed: Anti-Mod-Faker ban optional (Anti-Leecher has to be enabled) [Stulle]
Removed: USS-settings from Tweaks-dialog (it's in the Morph dialog) [Stulle]
ZZ Ratio activation cases - Stulle
+ ratio activated for the whole session when:
- not completed file powershared
- friendslot
- friend boost (after change restart neccessary to disable ratio)
+ ratio activated till case isn't fullfilled anymore:
- UL-limit < 10
- average UL < 8
- average UL < 10 AND UL-Maximum < 12
Anti Uploader Ban - Stulle
+ Case 1 - UL >= Limit:
- clients who uploaded more but the limit don't get banned
+ Case 2 - UL-DL >= Limit
- clients with a difference between up- and download which is higher but the
limit won't get banned until the difference reaches the limit
+ Case 3 - UL-DL >= Limit
- clients with a difference between up- and download which is higher but the
limit won't get banned until the difference reaches 0 (if session ends before
0 is reached the client will have to reach the limit again in the next session
to have ban-prevention
Spread Credits Slot - Stulle
+ every X slots a slot is given to a client that never uploaded to us, downloaded from us
and that is not a powershared file requesting client
--> Thanks fly out to cyrex2001 who helped me coding this mod! cyrex, you are the best! :)
--> Thanks fly out to MaxUpload who helped me solving some problems. GL with your Mod!
--> And of course thanks to all the others, who helped me.
eD2K: eMule0.45b-StulleMule_v1.0-bin.rar eMule0.45b-StulleMule_v1.0-src.rar eMule-web.de Mirror (http)
Bin &
Sources DDoS Mirror (http)
Bin &
MFG Stulle
EDIT: Ich hab den DDoS Mirror nun wieder direkt auf die Datei gelinkt, so wie ich es in meinem alpha Thread auch immer getan hab. War schusseligkeit von mir, bitte das von Seiten der Admins zuentschuldigen!
So Leute, gibt nu auch deutsche Sprache für meinen feinen Muli!
MorphXT_6.7.-.StulleMule_1.0.-.ger.lang.rar MorphXT_6.7.-.StulleMule_1.0.-.ger.lang.src.rar
HF damit. Findet ihr Fehler, sagt es mir!